It’s the New Year and everyone on Facebook is asking you what your resolution is. Wouldn’t it be great if on February 1st you were still working toward the same goal?
Let this year be different. Join a bunch of dedicated women is pursuing your dream, one day at a time, with a 14 day running head start. Here on the Goal Girl New Year’s Kick off, you will receive one project a day for 14 days. (With little prizes along the way to help keep you motivated.) Stick with us and you will be a world closer to where you want to be in just two week.
All you have to do today is let the world know (in the comments below,) what is the one thing you want to work on, with community support, for the next two weeks. You don’t have to accomplish the goal in the next two weeks – we just want you to accomplish some great steps to keep you motivated. These projects will set you up for success for reaching your goal!
Comment below, and one Goal Girl will receive a free copy of The Me Project (which the Goal Girl New Year’s Kick Off is based on!) A winner will be drawn on Friday.
And if you’re wondering where you will get the time to do all this? Head on over to my Facebook Page. When you “Like” me, you get a free download of my article: “30 Ways to Save 30 Minutes in the Next 30 Days”
OH – And invite a friend! You are MUCH more likely to succeed if you are doing it with a buddy!
BTW – my goal is that by March 1st, I will be working out for 30 minutes, five times a week.
As some of you know, I’ve got some challenges in this area (recovering from whooping cough, a book due February 1st.) But I wouldn’t encourage you to do anything that I wasn’t willing to do myself. Plus, if I wait until life to be “challenge-free” I will never darken the door my my gym again.
Pray for me…
I have a few personal goals that I would like to complete for the next new up coming month. inspired by my Pastor & the movie ” Bucket List” I’m 47 years old woman/mom, wife & sister.
At this age I can not turn back to the time to say ” I wish I did ” Today is the day that action takes place.
Main Goal …Draw closer to the LORD & to be used by the Holy Spirit
1) step out on the limb an complete my GED,
2) So that I can go back to school to pursue my passion for writing and teaching 3) start walking for my health to a better me in 2014
4) start a ministry for young girls ( in elementary school which has been inspired by my granddaughter)
5) and become involved with a local woman’s ministry
My heart has been challenged not just to speak what I want to do but to take charge of what I need to do. My desire is to leave a spiritual legacy for my family & grandchildren who can say …” If my MOM can, so can I”
My goal is to finish and submit my book proposal by the end of February.
My goal is to read Kathi’s book, “The What’s for Dinner Solution,” post it on my home schooling blog and learn how to organize my kitchen.
Four goals so far: 1) read the entire Bible this year and 2) walk for 30 minutes at least 5 times a week, 3) fix healthier meals and 4) bring my lunch to work at least 4 times a week. I’m sure there will be more but that is plenty to work on for now 🙂
I have several goals:
1. Appointment with God every day at the same time (spending intimitate time with God in prayer & his word)
2. Exercise at least 30-45 minutes at least 3 times a week.
3. More time with my family-talking about the word of God
4. Start ministry -abused women in the church and single mothers.
My goal this year is to make Psalms 37:4a a priority in my life – to take delight in the Lord my goals to accomplish that are to read my bible and pray more
Be a better mom to my kids and a wife to my husband
1. Start each day with a happy heart.
2. Have more fun.
3. Make family time a priority
4. Focus on today and give my worries/anxieties to God.
My first goal is to spend at least a half an hour with God, studying the Bible, praying and journaling. My second goal is to get my spending habits under control with the help of God. The money issue is very hard for me so I will need tons of support and prayers! Thanks Kathi and God Bless!
I have been exercising faithfully with a friend since September. My goal is to start eating properly and get that weight off.
I have several goals throughout this year (and future) as I had already been reading “The Me Project” and have been working on my 50/50. For the purpose of this particular project, I believe that I will focus on getting my family to eat healthier and get us to the point of purging processed food (or as much as possible) from our diets. I’m supposed to be on a gluten-free diet, and I’d like to have about 6 weeks worth of good and healthy meals to choose from (42 breakfasts, 42 lunches, 42 dinners, and at least 20 different snacks that can be thrown in as needed).
This is a big year for us. Hubby is currently deployed and when he returns we will be moving again. With that in mind I have two goals that must run concurrently these next two weeks:
Goal 1- make it through deployment more reliant on God and with my sense of humor entact
Goal 2- organize house hold to move- starting with the Christmas trip aftermath followed by the ‘pit of despair’ aka- my office
I to started to put a list of the things I want to work on but then it occurred to me that my top priority, spending more time with the lord every day will allow everything else to fall into place like reconnecting to my hubby and being a better mommy etc.
My goal is to build up to 30-45 minutes cardio each day. I am starting from zero.
I plan to learn how to ride a bike! I’m serious! Grew up in a hilly area of San Francisco and my parents were too scared that I’d hurt myself to teach me. That’s my lighter goal. My serious goals are to become closer to God, Become the person I am meant to be, and to strive to be confident as a mom, a wife, and well, just me. Can’t believe you are a San Jose girl, Kathi… I must find you and come hear you speak!!!
My goal is to put Jesus at the forefront of my life more. I must decrease so that he many increase. I will do this by living my life as though Jesus were physically in my presence. How much more patient would I be? Would I yell @ that guy on the freeway if Jesus was sitting next to me.
My goal this year is to be content in my home. Putting my husband and children before outside activities.
My first goal is to try and get straight A’s in all my classes. Yes I started back to school last semester to get prereques. Done to get into nursing program.
Second is to keep up my going to the gym with my husband to work out 2 days on one day off. So that makes 5 times a week and were there about 1 and a half hours. Which us hard to do with four kids and all different schedules. Also to eat healthier and at home more often.
Third is to organize my house and get rid off stuff.
Thanks for all your support and good luck with your fitness goals!
To get my house in order and organized on a single income…That’s my challenge….I need help and motivation with 3 growing kids, activilties, homework, playdates, clean laundry and cooking. I’ve found my self unable to find things and chaos in the master bedroom:(
Hi Kathi and community-
My three major goals for 2012 that cover many little goals are:
1. SIMPLIFY- our home and our schedule
2. Start each day with a happy heart!
3. Be a healthy family- food choices and excersizing together!
I like that I can put this out there and feel accountable for things!
First, I love your books, not only have I bought one of each for me, but a few others for friends and family.
The goals I am working on are:
1. To write and submit a magazine article.
(I have submitted answers to questions as a start)
2. To join and attend clubs, meeting groups and or Bible Study groups to build stronger social relationships.
3. Learn more about “How to Retire with Purpose and Fun” Sounds like a possible article…mmmm
I want to honestly and fearlessly log everything I eat.
1) to be a more patient wife and mother
2) to get to church on Sundays. (Its been months since we’ve been)
3) to do better with schooling/learning/teaching our 3&4 yo at home
4) to get my “Mother of the year” entry in early. Bwahahaha. Who are we kidding here? ;D
Thank you so much for this challenge! My goals are to:
1). Make my relationship with my husband a priority
2). Schedule time for God each day
3). Lose weight by exercising and eating right (which in turn helps my diabetic husband to lose weight and get off insulin)
I want to make time each day for quiet time with God; so, I am setting my alarm 30 minutes earlier.
I am loving this challenge! Over Thanksgiving dinner a family member mentioned wanting to run in the Oklahoma City 5K…I congratulated them and remembered how much I loathe running…but after reading this challenge I’ve decided to step up and try something new. I’ve made a goal to run in that 5K in April. This isn’t going to happen overnight but I’ve already started trainigng. Thank the Lord for the App on my phone that tells me when to walk, when to run and it even encourages me! So, I’m off – a goal I never even thought to have. But I’ll celebrate with family in April and hopefully be able to run alongside them :o) Good luck to all of you too!
Goal 1 is to find a way to feel better about myself/appearance. I’m not sure yet what that entails. As a mom of 3, my body is definately far from what it used to be. I am also aware it may never go back. I just want to find a happy medium where I’m healthier and feel attractive.
Goal 2 is to be at least one step closer to starting my own business. If I start up or have a future start up date set by the end of this year that would be outstanding.
My goal is to make my husband feel loved, supported and respected.
my goal is to get this body moving. I want to make a habit of walking at least 4 days a week, not just into Eric’s Deli for lunch, but really walking for my health. I also want to put my quiet time back into first place in my life (after my cup of tea is made of course), it is so easy to put it off until later, then remember as I am going to bed that I missed my time with the Lord that day. If I put Him first, it will be a lot easier to get everything else in order.
In the next 14 days…I am going to Diclutter the Office (just finished my undergraduate degree after 38 years) and prep for 2011 taxes, Prep papers for my Master Program and do my walk DVD at least 10 days.
My goal is to use a calendar and to-do list to plan my days during the week. This way I can prioritize to get done what is most important. 🙂
My first goal is to learn how to love myself. To stop trying to be who others want me to be and to just be myself. Also, to become stronger in my faith. To accept that God does love me unconditionally.
My goals include (can’t narrow to one – sigh…):
* Exercising M-F am & doing Bible study before the kids are up
* Making my marriage a priority
* Organizing my time so I can craft/blog more
We will be moving in the middle of March. My goal is to go through all of the boxes that we haven’t yet been through and to do my best to make this move as easy as I can on my family.
1. getting organized
2. getting decluttered
3. lose weight/workout
4. having an awesome marriage group
I want to work on two things: 1. Being an intentional wife, parent and friend and every day intentionally setting out to set a good example and be the woman that God created me to be. and 2. I reaaallly want to lose the baby weight.
My goal is to clean out and organize my “hobby closet” that we put everything into 4 years ago when we moved into this house. I have taken things out and searched for things I n there and it is just a mess now. I am actually going to take before, during and after pictures to document the project.
Kathi, I am going to be praying for you each day when I walk on my treadmill (5-6 times a week)! 🙂
My goal is to consistently work out 5 times a week! Drink 64Oz of water a day! Eat breakfast! & Strive for a happier healthier me!
What a great deal! My goal is to help OTHERS keep THEIR goal, which at this time of year is always to “work out more and lose weight”.. but a better goal ( as a trainer and fitness enthusiast) is to HAVE MORE energy, sleep better and PLAN for healthier choices in food and drink. I ask that all my clients and women “fit campers’ do these things.
1.Drink 48 ounces of water breakfast!! ( most women who tend to keep a few pounds on dont eat breakfast!) 3. Take a multivitamin and fish oil supplement 4. Find a cardio activity you LOVE and then do it ( try my zumba, cycle, treadmill class, walk ouDtside, kickbox, chase the kids….whatever makes you move daily!) ..5. Find a solid source of information without “dieting” to achieve your goals . 6. DONT weight, take your measurements and stay off the scale…and remember …if you fall off the wagon a little.The righteous person faces many troubles, but the Lord comes to the rescue each time ( psalms 34:19 NLT)
Aloha Kathi
My goal is to spend time with God everyday. No set way just be with Him in prayer or whatever.
Then my 2nd goal is to stick with my new eating routine and look for the weight to come off. It’s Gods plan.
I can’t wait to begin in this journey. Aloha
I am so encouraged by each of you posting here. This is going to be exciting!!!
My goal is to eat healthier and look to God when I have food cravings.
My goal is to be exercising 60 minutes 5x week by March 1st, eat more healthy and make a work schedule and stick to it.
With thirty extra minutes each day, I would stop and smell the flowers, read a poem, call a friend with no agenda except to connect, and write in my gratitude journal.
I’ve got two that are too important to choose between:
1. Revamp and re-launch my blog with daily posts (even if some are just a quick quote or photo, I want to end 2012 with 300 posts!)
2. Train daily for my relay team leg of the Big Sur International Marathon. (I get to cross the finish line!) I need to normalize 60 minutes of walking/jogging at least three days a week and stretch, stretch, stretch!
I have a few goals, but my main one is to do more physical activity. So my goal is to get my heart rate up at least 30 minutes a day for at least 5 days a week. And along with the health part…to limit my sweets to 2 a day.
On the spiritual front: my husband and I have a goal to pray together every night before bed (we do it with our 5 kids each night, we should be able to do it with each other as well)
Household front: I’d like to do some major decluttering…starting with the hall storage cupboard and then move to the china hutch. I’d like to have those 2 done in the next two weeks and then be able to move on to other areas.
Thank you for your encouragement and blog projects to keep me going =)
My goal is to keep my closet clean for a whole month…. I’m not sure how it happens, but somehow things go crazy in there! I want to be able to see the floor and things hanging! I know I can do it!
My goal is to wake up to a tidy home.
My goal is to have a tidy house to wake up to.
My goal is to have have a clean kitchen every night before I go to bed. (Dishes, counters, stove, all of it cleaned up.)
I want to reach more women to help them create organized, loving, Christ-based homes.
My goal is to have a menu plan every week. They can be reused so I do not have to make 52 completely different ones. I plan to keep them all in one place so I can borrow from previous ones. It is my health and the health of my family I am hoping to improve by planning better.
My goal is to drink more water!!
I would like to work on creating a new resume and hopefully complete it by February. I’d like to help my husband with his too.
I want to work out at least 30 mins a day 5 days a week!
Professional Goals: Streamline materials for marketing.
Network online weekly; network in person 2x monthly.
Fitness Goals: continue weight loss efforts (already lost 25 lbs); running – drop 3 minutes off my time by the end of March.
My Goal: I will stick to 1200 calories a day for the next 14 days.
Work out one hour three times a week at the YMCA.
I am looking forward to keeping accountable to my girlfriends and to this project.
Right now, I’m working on helping a family originally from Afghanistan but who’ve lived the past 15 yrs in Ukraine, and who as of this past September have been in the States as refugees to relocate to Maine. (We got to know them while 5 of their 7 kiddos lived at Sunshine Center outside Kiev, where my husband and I are involved in some various ways – thank you, Kathi, since your Me Project has been huge in that!)
So the biggest thing I need to work on in the next 2 weeks is to find affordable, available, short-term housing for a family of EIGHT people in my area, so that they have somewhere to live while awaiting the assistance they’ll receive after moving. And this is a tough time of year in Maine, so it’s going to be the Lord’s doing, for sure, not mine. But I’ll be excited to have the encouragement of all of you, because it feels like a huge task.
After they move, I’ll be working this year to help as a friend to them, so they can learn their way around, get to know people, figure out how to use transportation, help mom find English courses and work, etc. A church in Kentucky is graciously offering financial support to move them and to help with those first few months, so really I’m a leg-work girl in this stuff. But we LOVE this family, and we’re excited to see them come up here. Right now they’re in an Islamic housing project outside a big city, and they are really wanting to come into an area where they, as a Christian family, can practice their faith without any issues. So please pray for them!
My goal is to start training for a 1/2 Ironman Triathlon! Eating healthier & cutting down/eliminating the random glass of wine to be in a better place to train!
My goal is to go to the gym 3 days per week by Feb 14.
My main goal is to make the money I need to keep the doors of the salon I own open, pay my personal bills and work a little less this year. All while I am a single mom with no financial help from my 2 children’s father and I do not have a significant other that helps me with home bills. I need and plan and I need to stick to it.
I like how Kathi devised the goals in four areas of life.
1.Personal Goal- to walk 30 minutes a day 5 times a week starting January 8th.
2. Spiritual Goal- to read the Bible for 30 minutes a day 5 times a week starting January 2nd.
3. Writing Goal- to write 2 entries in my blog each week starting January 8th.
4. Business Goal- to make 3 contacts a day, 4 shows a month, and 1 recruit a month starting January 2nd.
I have been working crazy weekend hours. Our whole family is suffering because we have not been to church on a regular basis. My goal is to make it to church 3 out of 4 Sundays.
Ok, so I’m going to actually track Weight Watcher points/food diary DAILY! I will either write it down or track it through eTools.
My goal – Clean out the back room and install the office desk by the end of January 2012. I plan to spend at least 30 minutes a day going through boxes, etc., and throwing out stuff so that I can make space.
My one word for the year 2012 is Patience.
My goals specifically are
** to start walking (working up to 5 days a week)
** to be more patient and less critical of those around me (especially my family)
My goal for the next two weeks (and hopefully on an ongoing basis) is to get to the gym 3-4 times a week & get more sleep regularly. I want to be a healthier me so getting enough sleep & exercise is key. With 4 little ones 4 months-6 years at home these are a challenge BUT I need to take better care of myself so I can take better care of them…for longer! =) So, here we go!
I would like to get back to running 3-4 days a week.
My goal is to begin walking daily with the goal of walking a mile daily 3-4 times a week by the end of January.
I’m going to work daily to declutter my house and my body. Too much fluffiness!
I have two goals which makes this challenging but both need to be done.
Goal 1: Clear out all the clutter in my house and not feel mortified when people pop in for a visit.
Goal 2: Eliminate a lot of weight to ease my knee trouble.
These are very difficult goals for me so any support is welcomed.
Thanks for setting this up, Kathi.
My Goal is to be more disciplined by going to the gym 3 times a week, reading my bible everyday, and keeping up with my schedule of household chores.
Today begins my journey to better health. My poor time management had me always running to get something for dinner as opposed to cooking dinner. This is my first visit to this Web site (I just started reading “The Me Project”), and I was very happy to find “The What’s for Dinner Solution” book.
My project of better health consists of meal planning, cooking, eating healthier, and being healthier. In turn, my family will benefit as well.
Step 1: Get Kathi’s book.
Kathi- I have lots of goals! Some are the same ones as years passed. I never like feeling like I could copy and paste my goals from a year ago because they still apply. I could use a little comraderie! Thanks for putting this together!!
I plan to get more organized, I want a designated place for everything or get rid of it! I’m starting with papers… bills, school stuff, medical papers, etc.
I WILL get my paperwork under control this year! Sorted, filed, shredded, trashed, whatever. No longer will it congregate and mock me!
My goal is to be more focused and organized so I can accomplish my daily tasks, specifically spending time with God.
Ah, the gym. I’ve recently gotten 2 accountability offers on that so, out of the dozens of other goals the one I choose, is to complete a book proposal I thought I’d get done by Thanksgiving. Then I made a trip out of state because it appeared my Mom was dying, but she pulled out of it, but a family member reconciled with her after 45 years. Next came an unexpected trip overseas to accompany a relative bringing her loved ones ashes home. After that another relative’s funeral called me out of state. Then came Christmas and I’m still on page two! Besides life, other quicker paying projects often “call” me to stop and finish them first. Yet, I keep getting confirmations to complete it.
More than you wanted to know?
You inspire me Kathy, with your spirituality, your humor, your productiveness, and your passion for others. Will pray for your deadlines and your health.
My goal is to laugh out loud everyday, uninhibited.
My main goal( i have lots of them for this year lol) is to always have a clean kitchen when I go to bed at night. (dishes, counters, stove, sink, all of it cleaned up)
My goal is to workout 45 minutes a minimum of 4 days a week at the gym. I will log everything I eat and also increase my water intake. Pray for me that I can decrease my coffee intake!!! My ultimate goal is to get down to 175 pounds… I am currently 225!
My #1 goal for 2012 is exercise 60 minutes, 5 days a week. My challenge is that I have a torn rotator cuff and a SLAP tear, so I have limited use of my right arm. But that shouldn’t stop my feet from moving, right? I am going to get a gym membership and start working out with my friend.
I have several goals to work on but the main one is to get my body back in shape. I’ve alot of aches and pains and I need to get on the road to recovery and moving freely again. I’ve been successful in losing a few pounds but I need to lose more and get a workout routine going that keeps me fitter and in less pain. And I need to do this because I have horses and I compete in carriage driving and last year I ended the season in too much pain. I have take the first step and seen the physical therapist but unfortunately I’ve taken this first step before and then after a few weeks give up.
I will be 53 on January 14th and I would like to be headed towards my goal and a great, less painful year!
Thanks, Belle
My goal is to get to the gym for at least 60 minutes, three times per week and log all of my food in my LoseIt app.
My goal is to learn that it takes time and practice to achieve any skill. And then dedicate specfic time to write everyday so that it becomes a habit. I want to practice my art, play with it so I become familiar with the texture, color and shapes. My calendar will become my friend, pens will jump into my fingers eager to share their story, the treadmill I got for my birthday (when I walk my 30 minutes) will allow me to have more birthday.
Hi, Kathi,
Two things I’m working on this month:
1- skipping sugar. . . I had way too much fun with it over the holidays! Looking forward to feeling better.
2- saying “thank you” to the LORD for who He made me, what I have, and where I am (especially when I’m feeling discontent)
Thanks for the challenge and support- YOU GOAL GIRL!
My goal this year is to cook more at home and enjoy it. We eat out way too much. I’d like to try one new recipe a week and eventually plan meals out in advance. Organization is not my strength & I et easily overwhelmed by he kitchen.
My goal this year is the same as last: to actively pursue a ministry in Christian speaking. To make it measurable, I plan to accomplish at least one item each month from the things-to-do list that I left marketing bootcamp with. (But I also need to keep my marriage front and central in the doing.)
My goal is to work out for 5 days a week for 1 hour and to eat healthier.