It’s the New Year and everyone on Facebook is asking you what your resolution is. Wouldn’t it be great if on February 1st you were still working toward the same goal?

Let this year be different. Join a bunch of dedicated women is pursuing your dream, one day at a time, with a 14 day running head start. Here on the Goal Girl New Year’s Kick off, you will receive one project a day for 14 days. (With little prizes along the way to help keep you motivated.) Stick with us and you will be a world closer to where you want to be in just two week.

All you have to do today is let the world know (in the comments below,) what is the one thing you want to work on, with community support, for the next two weeks. You don’t have to accomplish the goal in the next two weeks – we just want you to accomplish some great steps to keep you motivated. These projects will set you up for success for reaching your goal!

Comment below, and one Goal Girl will receive a free copy of The Me Project (which the Goal Girl New Year’s Kick Off is based on!) A winner will be drawn on Friday.

And if you’re wondering where you will get the time to do all this? Head on over to my Facebook Page. When you “Like” me, you get a free download of my article: “30 Ways to Save 30 Minutes in the Next 30 Days”

OH – And invite a friend! You are MUCH more likely to succeed if you are doing it with a buddy!

BTW – my goal is that by March 1st, I will be working out for 30 minutes, five times a week.

Whoo. I said it!

As some of you know, I’ve got some challenges in this area (recovering from whooping cough, a book due February 1st.) But I wouldn’t encourage you to do anything that I wasn’t willing to do myself. Plus, if I wait until life to be “challenge-free” I will never darken the door my my gym again.

Pray for me…
