You have a tab in your Holiday Binder for your family favorite recipes. Now is the time to fill up that tab with the traditional recipes your family love.
Each of our kids has a favorite food that they confirm in advance will be prepared by me or my hubby. Here is just a partial list of what is on the must list:
- cranberry no-bake cheesecake
- pumpkin no-bake cheesecake
- artichoke dip
- bruchetta
- broccoli casserole
- ratatouille
- drunken turkey (turkey brined in white wine and spices)
In year’s past I’ve spent a lot of time and energy going through various cookbooks, computer searches and junk drawer layers looking for all these recipes – but no more! This year they were all sitting in the Holiday binder just where they were supposed to be.
The other wonderful thing about having all your recipes together is that when your kids start to want to bring your family recipes to their future in-law’s homes, you can copy everything at once.
OK -now it’s your turn. Tell me what is the one recipe your family would boycott Christmas without. (I love to hear other people’s favorite foods, especially if they’re weird.)
For our family this isn’t what THEY can’t live without. It’s more about what this momma can’t live without. And that would have to be my grandmas peanut butter fudge that I have made every year for the past 7 years. <3 mmmmmm
It wouldn’t be Christmas without my mom’s applesauce cake. As children, my siblings and I always knew when the Christmas season “officially” started…when mom started baking her cakes. She only baked these cakes at Christmas time and it was her gift to family and friends. Mom died 5 years ago but I’ve kept the tradition going. So for my family and friends they can still enjoy Bev’s Applesauce Cake. In fact, I will start baking this weekend!
My husband’s sister-in-law always makes chili on Christmas Eve. With it, we have spinach dip in a bread bowl, cornbread, and cherry cobbler with ice cream. We drink spiced tea.
My family can’t live without oatmeal candy. For most people, this translates to “no bake cookies”. They contain oatmeal, chocolate, and peanut butter and have been know to cause a riff between siblings should it be found out who ate the last one. One year my Mom made a tin for each of us. That tin represented all that was good in the world all the while bringing out the evil side of us should someone get too close to our tin. We’ve realized since that peace on earth begins with sharing, so several batches are made ahead of time with plenty of ingredients available to restock as needed.