Loving Men through Spaghetti

(The following is an excerpt from Kathi’s book,THE “WHAT’S FOR DINNER?” SOLUTION)

When I was working on my first
book, The Husband Project, I set about doing a very unscientific research project – to find out what men like.

I know, I know. If you have beenconscious for any amount of time in the 21st century, the answer is
obvious. If you are married, and your marriage was a house, the world tells you that the place your husband wants to spend his time is in the bedroom.

And that’s true. To a point.

But guess what?  There’s more to that answer. The guys I interviewed? The answer was twofold – the bedroom and the kitchen.

When it came to discovering ways to make men feel loved and cared for, food was way at the top of the list.

  • They loved when their wives made their favorite chocolate cake for no reason
  • They loved when there was dinner in the oven after a long day of work
  • They loved it when their wives would stop by the bakery to pick up their favorite
  • They loved when their wives would leave little treats around the house of the candy

I knew that food was important to my husband (he takes his steaks and his salsa very seriously,) but what was amazing to see was how as my boys grew up, how food became more important to
them as well.

While my daughter Kimber will ask “When is dinner?”–so that she can plan the rest of her very busy social life—My boys want to know “What’s for dinner?”

We regularly have EMFH (Every Man For Himself) nights when I am working out of town. (Trust me, there are always enough fixin’s in the fridge to put together something yummy,) and each of the kids can cook for themselves. But, when I’m around, all three of the men who live in this house love it when I cook.

I have come to find out that there is a special security for men when they are being fed. I love how one of my friends, Mark, put it, “My wife gets a sense of security from me bringing home a paycheck every other week. It is the same for me and dinner. When I come home and there is something cooking, somehow, it just gives me a sense of security –like everything is right in the world.”


To win Kathi’s Books THE HUSBAND PROJECT and THE WHAT’S FOR DINNER? SOLUTION: Just tell us what special treat you’re going to surprise your husband with by Monday, October 31, 2011. We will announce the winners on Wednesday, November 2, 2011.