Don’t you love when you read something and think to yourself, “Have they been following me? How did they know this is exactly what I needed to hear today?” Let me introduce you to Kathy Howard – my happy accident of the day. Read her words below and ask yourself – what is God trying to tell me?

Yesterday, I prayed with a heartbroken friend. After years of searching for answers, doctors diagnosed her five-year-old son with mental illness and other behavioral issues. Even with a diagnosis, these reputable doctors could not offer them treatment or practical steps to meet the overwhelming challenges. So, what now? Where does she turn?
Recently, many Christian women I love and admire have faced significant trials like life-threatening illness, divorce, death of a child, and financial hardship. These kinds of situations would knock many people flat. But these women are leaning on their faith in God. And He is proving Himself faithful.
I began to wonder how I would do in similar circumstances. Like most women, I juggle the everyday things of life without too much difficulty. But sometimes, even in just a small crisis, my self-sufficiency is shaken. Would I be swept away in the midst of something really difficult? I began to ask God to show me how my faith could be prepared. He pointed me to the life of the apostle Peter.

My new Bible study, Unshakeable Faith: 8 Traits for Rock-Solid Living, will help you prepare for life’s harshest storms by applying key “faith traits” found in the life of Peter. Walk with Peter as he walked with Jesus. Learn what Peter learned. Allow God to do in your life what He did in Peter’s.
Shaky times demand an unshakeable faith that stubbornly clings to God no matter the circumstances. God developed this kind of faith in Peter. God used Peter’s relationship with Jesus to transform his weak, fragile faith – that once denied Jesus – into a faith that stood firm even in the face of death. That’s the kind of faith I long to have.

Kathi here again! We have a copy of Kathy’s new Bible Study to give away. Share with me a way that God recently showed his trustworthyness in your life in the comments below and we will pick a winner on Friday.