I apologize for now getting that song stuck in your head – but what better way to kick off our week of “Just Keep Swimming” than being seranaded by Dory?

So what’s your Project for Day #1? Just write something down. That’s it. Now that’s not too scary, is it?

OK – let me be a little more specific.

I want you to spend some time writing down your dreams, your hopes, your “what if”‘s. All those someday things that you want to get to… someday. Brainstorm, be free! (Or if you want a little more direction, read my article on How to Create a 50/50 Journal.)

Now, I want you to pick one of those dreams, goals or crazy ideas, and post it here on the blog. I know, it’s a little scary. But trust me, this is a safe space. For every brave persone who posts their one thing (big or little, huge and crazy, or totally do-able,) I will enter you into the drawing for this journal:

It’s the same “Irish Blessing” journal that started this whole idea for me about writing my goals down.

So post something here by Wednesday at midnight and you will be entered into the drawing. And everyone who comments this whole week will be entered into our drawing for THE DORY AWARD. (The gian stuffed Dory from Finding Nemo.)