Every once in a while I like to feature one of my favorite authors and give away some swag. Here is the wonderful Judy Squire talking about her book His Majesty in Brokenness. If after reading her excerpt below you want a copy of the book, just leave a comment below about a time God has worked through your brokeness.  I will randomly pick a winner on Monday!

 I asked Judy to introduce herself:

Judy has been Mrs. David Squier for 42 blessed years. She is Mama Mia to three adult daughters and Granny Goose to her granddaughter. Her family called the San Francisco Bay Area home for four decades before retiring to southern Oregon. She’s been an inspirational speaker since age thirteen and this year achieved her life-long goal: the publication of His Majesty in Brokenness.

Now here is more about her book:

 Born without complete legs, I watched others have all the fun. The whole time I believed that those with legs were living the life I was missing. As I coveted their physical adeptness, their social calendars, and their seeming satisfaction in their own skin, I remained clueless that they indeed shared my condition – a missing “something” in their lives.

Come to find out each one of us could fill a page with a list of what’s missing in our lives: a loving childhood, the perfect figure, a mate, our dream career with sufficient income to pay the bills. Could it be that the very absence of these ingredients provides the stage for God to show up?

His Majesty in Brokenness contains stories of the past sixty-five years of my life lived in intimate relationship with God, thanks to some everyday missing pieces – not just legs, but self-esteem, and courage. Plus it’s not just about me – you, the reader, are invited to apply the life lessons in a section at the end of each chapter called What About You?

Gain strength for the journey as you find the living God, His Majesty, alive and well in your brokenness redeemed.
