Every once in a while I like to feature one of my favorite authors and give away some swag. Here is the wonderful Kathy Howard talking about her new book God’s Truth Revealed. If after reading her excerpt below you want a copy of the book, just leave a comment below about a time God revealed His truth to you (y’all encourage me so much!) I will randomly pick a winner on Monday!

I asked Kathy to introduce herself:

Call me a “confused southerner.” Raised in Louisiana, our family has moved to Wyoming, then Texas, then Alberta, and finally back to Texas. I don’t know whether to drink “pop” or “coke”, or call my friends “ya’ll” or “you guys.” But one thing I do know — God loves us and wants us to know Him! That’s definitely worth writing, teaching, and speaking about.

And here is a little bit from the book:

It was our first day on the beach with our rented boogie boards. Wanting to catch the waves where they were breaking, I headed away from the shore. By the time I realized they were breaking too far out, the water was over my head. On the board from the waist up, I started kicking to get back to the beach. After a couple of minutes I had not made any progress. In fact, I was farther away. So, with the board trailing behind me by the strap, I swam until I was exhausted and swallowing water. But I was further still. No matter how hard I tried, I could not save myself.

My husband grabbed another board, left the safety of the beach and came to my rescue. When Wayne reached me, he calmed me down and talked me through riding out the riptide back to shore.

Like the riptide separated me from the beach, sin has separated each of us from God. We can never do enough to bridge that gulf. We cannot save ourselves, but God Himself came to our rescue. Jesus left heaven and came to earth to provide salvation. The 12-session study, “God’s Truth Revealed,” guides readers through the Bible to see our need for a Savior, and to discover how we can know Him. For more about the book, and to download the first session free, visit www.godstruthrevealed.com

Links/Free Resources

Free Discipleship Tools: http://www.kathyhoward.org/discipleship-helps/
This page is full of free Bible reading plans, Scripture memory tips and plans, Quiet time helps, prayer guides, and more!

Free helps for Ministry Leaders: http://www.kathyhoward.org/leader-helps/
This page includes a video workshop to train small group leaders, tips for guiding small group discussion, and a devotional for leaders.

Free video introduction for “Before His Throne:” http://www.kathyhoward.org/books/
This 12-minute video is perfect to kick-off a study of Kathy’s book “Before His Throne.”

Free download of the entire first session of “God’s Truth Revealed:”
For more information about Kathy and her ministry visit: www.kathyhoward.org/bio/