It’s pretty funny. When ever I recommend a book on the blog, I will have people tell me 4-6 months later that they read the book and LOVED it. I think that many of the reader here have some of the same book passions I do so let me recommend some of the tinges I’ve been reading (and loving) lately and ask you for some of your recommendations as well.

Physical Books (real ink and paper – both bought from The Tattered Cover in Denver, CO).

The Man Who Loved Books Too Much

Who knew that the theft of rare books is more common than art theft? Besides being a fascinating story about the buying and selling of rare books (if you love reading, I think you will find this as fascinating as I do,) as well as one of the most notorious thieves in recent history (who was based right here in Northern California.)

Oogy – A Dog Only a Family Could Love

When I first read the synopsis of this story – this young puppy being used as bait in a dog fighting ring because he refused to fight, I didn’t think I could handle hearing about any dog in pain. But Oogy’s spirit triumphs over his physical limitation and makes him someone you would love to bring into your own family.

WinThe Man Who Loved Books too Much

On Thursday and Friday I will be sharing a couple of my favorite books via iPod, iPad and Kindle. But I want to hear what you’re reading. Tell me in the comments on either today’s, Thursday’s or Friday’s post and I will enter your name in to win the copy of The Man Who Loved Books too Much – yes – it’s been read by me – but hey – it’s recycling – and it’s an AUTOGRAPHED copy. I will announce the winner next week when I’m back in CA and have internet access.

And our Winner of Kathy Howard’s book God’s Truth Revealed as determined by is…

Gina Kelley

True Random Number Generator

3 Powered by RANDOM.ORG

Gina – email my assistant at sunnie at and she will get you all set up!