If that isn’t the weirdest title for a blog, I can’t help you.

I was speaking at a great retreat for Cornerstone in Livermore, CA and met author Wendy Hagen. She gave a copy of her great book (look left) and asked her if I can give away a copy here.

Little did I realize she was a TV star. If you – like me – loved a little Growing Pains growing up, you will love the fact that Wendy had a scene with Leo (you know, we are talking Titanic Leo here.) So I’ve hugged someone who has touched Leonardo diCaprio. And if you’ve hugged me… the mind reels…

I asked Wendy to tell us a little bit about her writing  journey and include a video that will take you right back to those Growing Pain days.

If you want to win a copy of her book, just tell me (in the comments below) a time you were totally desperate as a mom. I need a laugh today. Tomorrow – I will tell you my most desperate mommy moment! Post by Friday and we will announce the winner on Monday’s post. Here’s what Wendy has to say:

A few years ago I spoke at MOPS at Cornerstone Fellowship in Livermore, CA. Author and speaker Debbie Alsdorf was in the audience. She approached me after my talk and told me I had to write a book and title it Totally Desperate Mom. At the time, I was pregnant with my fourth child in five years (ages 6, 4, 2 and one in heaven), and thought Yeah, right. Then that baby came and desperate mom book material was hurled at me on a daily basis. So, I began to write Totally Desperate Mom: Keepin’ it Real in the Motherhood . . .

Being a mom is totally awesome and utterly difficult. So much monotony and yet filled with the unexpected. It is the best job in the world. It is the hardest job in the world. There are days that seem to go on forever and appear to be more like punishment. You know, like the kind when your son decides to fingerpaint all over his room . . . with his poop! But even those days are filled with moments of wonder and blessing, because the same toddler with a gifting for fingerpainting busts out with, “Mom, you’re my girl.” Then, I tell him that I love the sweet little things that come from his heart. He replies, “Like one time when I prayed and used the word justice?” Oh the dichotomy of motherhood.  Are you with me?

Wendy Hagen is a speaker, writer, blogger, former childhood actress, wife, and Totally Desperate Mom to three young children -- who have given her more than enough quality material for this book. She earned a degree in Communication Studies from UCLA . . . which did not prepare her for motherhood.  Check out Wendy's hot scene with Leonardo di Caprio!

Check out her website.