OK so I got a little behind (I wish I had a little behind, but that is a different blog post…)
So here is Project #3
Wear something he likes. Yep – that’s it.
Wear a color you know he likes, a shirt he complimented you on, or your good butt jean.
Oh. And lingerie works.
In the comments below, let me know what you did and I will enter your name into the drawing for today’s book:
I decided to dress it up a little…instead of my usual jeans and t-shirt, I wore a jean skirt and a tank top (the weather was unseasonably warm) and then made sure I wore my perfume. My hubby had commented a few days ago that I never wear my perfume anymore, so it was a nice surprise for him and he did notice 🙂
I wore something he absolutely loves: Drenched myself in Obsession cologne.
I did this today, and honestly, I actually wore something besides sweat pants and hubby LOVED it! I had a baby 6 months ago and stay home with him so I wear sweat pants and a t-shirt most of the time so by getting dressed in jeans and a nice shirt and seeing his reaction to me today, I have realized that I should really try to do this more often – or buy some nice comfortable fashionable clothing 🙂
Not as sassy as the lingerie, but I wear t-shirts from theater projects my husband directed. It communicates support and reminds him how crazy proud I am of him.
He always comments…and I always get extra smooches. Win. Win.