The Food? Fabulous.
The Bed? Super comfy.
The bathroom? A city block away from our yurt.
The number of times I needed said bathroom between 11 PM and 7AM? 3
The ROCKSTAR husband who wouldn’t let me walk alone because of the scary noises? Roger.
That’s true love girlfriend.
I have seen a Yert in my travels, but never stayed in one. My comment has more to do with willing husbands that will walk with you in the middle of the night to bathrooms that are at a distance. My family and I were just camping in Memorial Park, CA. The very first night we saw raccoons and that sealed it, I wasn’t going to the bathroom in the middle of the night alone. The first night without warning I woke Dave up and he was completely pleasant as usual. And even on night 3 still as pleasant and understanding as ever. The bathroom may have not been a city block away, but my husband waking up and walking with me warmed my heart.