get questions every single week from y’all about how to be a writer. My very first piece of advice is : Go to a writers conference. (I know that my very first piece of advice should be “Pray about it,” but after so many potential authors telling me, “God told me to write a book,” I’ve decided to skip that step.)
So here is one of my favorite conferneces, and bonus – I’m teaching at it, so you know we’ll have a good time.
Here is the official announcment (to make it official…):
CLASSEMINARS, Inc. announces a special conference book project for its annual CLASS Christian Writers Conference. The conference will be held in Abiquiu, New Mexico, November 10-14, 2010.
The unique opportunity for new and advanced writers to be published in a book is a first among Christian writers conferences. All attendees will work with a professional mentor to develop a story, article, or poem to be included in the book to be titled Out of the Overflow. WinePress Publishers, Enumclaw, Washington, will publish the book which will be available shortly after the conference.
Bruce Wilkinson, bestselling author of You Were Born for This and the fastest selling book of all time, The Prayer of Jabez, and one of America’s foremost Christian teachers, will be a featured keynoter at the conference which focuses on training writers in the craft of writing and connects writers with publishers and agents. The conference also features a spiritual formation emphasis to help attendees develop a deeper Christian walk and write more deeply.
For registration and other information, go to www.classeminars.org.
The conference will be held at the Ghost Ranch in Abiquiu, New Mexico, located near Santa Fe.