As I mentioned before, it has been a crazy couple of weeks.
Three MAJOR writing deadlines, Roger’s all-day birthday celebration, Kimber’s graduation and graduation party (which meant MAJOR housecleaning before her dad’s side of the family came over…) and then a death in the family (he was 97 and had a great life, so while sad, it’s also a celebration of a great life) which required a quick trip to Atlanta for a week.
Like I said, a busy week.
So in years past, if this week had happened, all my plants in the back garden would have died a long, withering death.
But, instead, because my husband installed a drip system, we are downright…
How beautiful! This is the first year that we are growing tomatos and I love looking at them and watching them grow! In so many ways it reminds me of our relationship with God, growing through the harsh weather sometimes, the water is his word, nurishing our soul.
I had the privialge of you calling me the other day and I was so overwhelmed by excitement, in case you didn’t notice! Ha Ha.
You are such a blessing and so on Target with everything you write. I can’t wait to read all of your books, since I am now your Biggest Fan!!!!! I ran into my neighbor yesterday at the store, we are going to do the project together and I shared your message with her. I have started even though I don’t have any partners just yet, as she has been under the weather. I have noticed a major change in my outlook and my marraige. After reading about thanking our husband for being a good provider, it hit me, I have never done that. Durrning our dinner prayer on Saturday I thanked God for such a faithful husband that goes to work each day and is home with us each night. Those are things that I have taken for granted. I am so blessed by your words and I am making changes in myself. As it turns out alot of the issues are Me. Go figure. Ha Ha.
I see that you wrote something about redectorating and that happens to be what I love to do for fun! It is always my favorite part of the movie when they transform a disater and turn it into something beautiful, not saying that your room is a distater, yet if it is not your passion to decortate, then maybe let me have at it, as a way to bless you for this book that is changing my life. I am not a professional, yet I do have a pretty good eye and I don’t mind the paint brush!
I look forward to meeting you someday and I am in Hayward, so pretty close, not to mention off on Mondays, so if you need a hand with that room I am your girl! No charge! Just a way to hopfully give a little back to you!
I will look forward to the bookmarks that say my hubby is a hotie!
Jocelynn Ahnstrom
2335 Lincoln Ave
Hayward Ca, 94545
Work Address so he doesn’t find out that I am being guided to be more loving and the women I was pre marraige. Ha Ha!