When I was sharing about my gardening adventures this year, mynew friend Merideth, told me about some raised beds she wanted to put into her yard. Since she is a military wife, the idea of a mobile garden is appealing to her:

“I live in Fort Lewis (WA) too. We have strawberries that we grow and rosemary. The person who lived in our house before planted them. We are reaping her harvest. However, I was asked about what I want for Mother’s Day. We saw a square foot garden at the local spring fair. We talked to the master gardeners and well they gave us the blueprints for the garden. It is a garden on legs. I will post pictures when it is built for me for Mother’s Day. We are planting; Corn, cucumbers, cantalopes, green beans, onions, carrots and watermealons. The corn and carrots will have to be grown in the ground, everthing else will go in the box.”
Being that I have a 4 year old I think it will be a great learning experience for her and us. It will be our 1st garden, the best thing about the garden is we can move with it!”

Here are the plans that Merideth found online.


Not only would these raised beds be portable if moving, they would have the advantage of being Wheel Chair Enabled and easier for children, the elderly and those with back problems. Love it.

I want to do this for my herbs next year. (Hey, we just got a drip system in this year. Baby steps. Baby steps.)