If you have not watched the first episode of So You Think You Can Dance this season go over and check the promo for it here.

Yes. Right now.

I’ll wait.

Amazing. Right?

I have to say I was an Idol drop off this year. (Not that I missed Paula, but it just wasn’t must-see TV for us.) We are cutting back on a lot of things – TIVO, cable, etc. But SYTYCD is going to be appointment TV for us.

You see, I’ve had quite an aversion to dance in my life. Oh I took the requisite Modern Dance class in Junior High. But, since I have become a Christian, the amount of bad worship dance I have been exposed to in my life is staggering. (Why is it that in order to lead worship in song you have to be gifted, but anyone who wants to dance can hop onstage whenever the spirit moves them?)

That is, until Easter, 2005. That is when I saw dance in the church done really, really well.

I was attending a church in Elk Grove and there were two young women (high school? college age?) who danced with two long pieces of fabric. At the end of the dance, they turned those two pieces of fabric into a cross.

I still get chills when I think of it.

That is often how I feel when I am watching SYTYCD.

There are dances that move me to tears. They are so beautifully (or sometimes comically) telling a story that it makes my brain think and feel in new ways. In our media-saturated life, it is rare that something can stand out, stand up and scream, “Look at me! Pay attention to me!”

So, so long Bachelorette. No rose for you.

Housewives from Jersey? I don’t need the drama.

Idol? I no longer worship you.

But today? We dance.