We have two great giveaways this week – you are going to love these:
First, we have fellow Harvest House author Hillary Lodge with a great fiction read. Plain Jayne is the story of a journalist who has lost her edge (um, there are many days I can relate to Jayne life just with that one little fact,) and so to regain some perspective she goes to live in an Amish community for three weeks. I love Hillary’s straightforward writing and her meshing of two worlds. To find out if your as big a fan as I am, check out the first chapter here.
Karen Porter is a national retreat and seminar speaker, the author/co-author of six books, and a successful businesswoman. You can check out her website at karenporter.com
Karen says her marriage to George is her greatest achievement. Karen’s favorite activity is continuing her life-long quest for the perfect purse.
Karen’s book is I’ll Bring the Chocolate: Satisfying a Woman’s Craving for Friendship and Faith. About her book: Stimulating. Satisfying. Tantilizing. Delicious. Chocolate is that sweet “something extra” that infuses anything ordinary with delectable flavor and zest. In the same way, loving friendships can sweeten a woman’s life and make almost any situation — good or bad — taste even better. Blending true stories and several original choclate recipes with rich biblical examples, Karen Porter explores eight ways that friends can help one another enjoy life — and point each other to the God who made every good and perfect gift — especially chocolate!
So you have multiple chances to win today.
- To win Plain Jayne, leave a comment below telling me in 25 words or less why you need some me time with a good book.
2. To win I’ll Bring the Chocolate, leave a comment about why you need some good girlfriend time this month (oh – and your favorite kind of chocolate!)
3. For three more chances to win Karen’s book, read my newsletter and follow the instructions to win.
4. All entries for the blog giveaway must be posted here by Friday at 8:00 PM – winners will be announced next Tuesday.
Wow – I would love to win either book, or some chocolate!
How about this, some free time to read the book and clear my head from work, housework, kids would be awesome.
Then I would share the book with a girlfriend of mine who is going through some tough stuff. Perhaps we can share some laughs and some chocolate (Cadbury Fruit & Nut bar) and remember when life seemed a little simpler!
To answer the question about having time with a good girlfriend I must say that I have a lot of questions about motherhood and I can use some advice from a close friend who knows and cares about me and my family.
My favorite chocolate is any chocolate with pecans!!! But I love chocolate any way.
Sorry, I didn’t meen to be anonymous! I want some me time with a great book because it doesn’t get anybetter than that!
That show I really need some time for myself LOL
I want some me time with a great book because it doesn’t get anybetter than that! 🙂
Like the others said, time with a good book would be the dose of peace, quiet and sanity we are too stressed to find in our own lives! Let me read someone elses drama and see how they work it out!
Chocolate- sea salt caramel covers in dark chocolate. 🙂
my mom just told me last week to remember to make efforts to keep my friendships alive even tho I am
busy being a mom to 2 young daughters. Perfect timing to win this book!
LOL I am a long winded writer– just read the 25 words or less, lol. Oh well It was nice venting 🙂
Hi Kathy, Well even though my kids are grown and left the house I find it very hard to get a lot of “me” time or even “girl time”. I have a several friends that we all keep saying “We gotta get together and catch up!” however it rarely happens. It does happen, just rarely. I am trying to do my own writing, work a part-time job, setting up a web site, take care of the household stuff and being a supportive grandparent to grand-kids that are going through a hard time (Dad, my son, in Afghanistan off on frequent missions, mother had surgery and is having a hard time recovering from it) there seems very little time for anything else. Now, a little over two weeks ago I was in a four car pile up and was injured. I thought it would be a brief injury but new issues keeps growing and getting worse. Trying not to get depressed and all out of sorts but it is a hard battle to overcome. I realize that I am under attack to keep from the my writing and I am trying to keep my encouragement up. So a little away “me time or girlfriend time” is so much needed for lifting the spirits and encouragement.
Why is it, that after reading what I wrote, I feel like singing ‘the big blue marble’ theme song? LOL
My favorite chocolate is See’s milk chocolate bordeaux and/or chocolate cream pie
**Why I need girlfriend time: Because most of my friends have to schlep to a job and aren’t around for coffee(okay tea) time and I get tired of constantly doing mom/wife stuff all alone, in the wilderness, up hill both ways in worn out shoes with cardboard soles.
** Why I need a good book?: To see the possibilities, to work the ol’ gray matter, to explore the internals and externals of who I am and want to be.
ha!! 25 exaclty!!!! (minus the question itself)
My favorite chocolate is a Reeses PB cup!
Nothing beats girl time. Time to share about things your hubby really doesn’t want to hear! Eat lots of yummyness, and chocolate!! Hugs, Laughing, crying. We all need a bit of girl time!
‘Plain Jane”: four kids 9, 8,8, 5 yrs. – Homeschool Mom – Women’s Ministry Coordinator – MOPS Council Coordinator = Not much time alone!!
I would love to read this book. I feel women so need girlfriends ( and chocolate) to make it through life. Women understand each other and their needs and frustrations. Every time I get together with girl friends it fills my heart. We all work hard and wear many hats sometimes at the same time. Many times we are unappreciated for all we do. Girlfriends and chocolate don’t need to say a word, they just understand and make you feel better. Thanks for such good insights in your writing and passing on the nuggets you have read.
Why do I need some me time…hmmm I’m a full time mom, wife, house cleaner, cook, clothes washer, oh I could go on.Not to mention trying to get my photography business up and running and then a hubby who is leaving for a year in Oct. I think the main reason, just to get back into a balance of who I am and who everyone else needs me to be. I totally enjoy my role in my families lives but I need a moment to reflect and pray and make me better from the inside out so I can better serve my family.
As for the girlfriend time…I’m going through a hard friendship time in general. I’ve just lost a friend due to stupidity and spitefulness and it’s left me with only good acquaintances to talk to. This sounds like a pity party but honestly I don’t mean it to! I just need a break! and some chocolate!:)
Let me count the ways and whys I need some me time. I think the tick would go away, my left eye would stop slamming shut, my weight would stablize, my hair may stop turning grey, I may get to sew or knit again which would keep the fingers nimble. The kids may even like me more when I stop spinning in the middle of the kitchen. Ha! Both books sound great! Thanks for keeping us happy with all your great reading material and giveaways!
Dark chocolate all the way and as for why I need girlfriend time I think my previous answer works for this too – I’m an overworked underappreciated SAHM of a three year old with a hubby that works long hours – I need some girlfriend time! 🙂
I’m an overworked underappreciated SAHM of a three year old with a hubby that works long hours – I would LOVE some me time with a good book!!
Oh… I’m blonde and didn’t say why I need girlfriend time…. because God blesses our women relationships and we need encouragement and LOTS of laughter to go with the Sugar Buzz…. my favorite Chocolate…would be truffles, M&M’s, Reeses Peanutbutter cups, etc…. etc….!!!!!
Bring on the chocolate!! Can you say “sugar buzz”?? 🙂
You all are making my day! Love reading your responses.
Oh no… you said “chocolate.” I might not have time to finish this commen….
C h o c o l a t e. Any kind will do but I really enjoy See’s chocolate covered almond brittle, milk or dark.
I’ve been enjoying the kids on my own with very little down time to be with friends. I crave friends as much as chocolate. They both soothe me. Ahhhhhhhh.
Me time for Plain Jayne in 25 words or less! Yikes. I just do.
25 words.
This year I will put my daughter in college, my son in high school and my other daughter in kindergarten. I need some CHOCOLATE girlfriend time!
I definitely need girl time. I have a husband and two sons. Also, many other people of significant influence seems to be male. I have learned the need to be refreshed in the company of wacky, playful, women who can let down and be real. Women can hear my heart and speak into my life in a way that just doesn’t happen otherwise. It seems God really did know what he was doing by creating the differences in men and women. It’s important to embrace and honor them, then go for the chocolate. I enjoy milk chocolate. Thanks to all women who push fear aside to step out of the comfort zone to make something amazing happen.
I’d LOVE to win a copy of Plain Jayne!!!! With my busy hectic life chasing after a two-year-old and a 7-month-old, you can imagine most of my days are spent feeding, cleaning, changing diapers, drying tears, playing princess, and dolling out an equal amount of hugs, kisses, and time outs. When I DO have the opportunity to just sit and read (which let’s face it, is not that often), desperation leads me to put down my *me* books and pick up Dr. Dobson’s Strong Willed Child instead. Not exactly relaxing! I would love to win a copy of Hillary Lodge’s book to help me reclaim my ME time! (Even if it is just 5 minutes.) Thanks Kathi. :o)