I consider myself to be one tough cookie (hey, I was a single mom for a few years, and have been a step-mother for five years, so when a challenge comes up I can pretty confidently say “Bring it on!”) but I got to meet some pretty amazing women.

I had the best weekend hanging out with the hero-wives at Ft. Lewis Army Base in Washington state.  At one point during my weekend retreat for The Husband Project I asked the ladies how many of their husbands were currently deployed. I would estimate that 3/5s of the women raised their hands.

What really blew me away was the passion these women had about showing their men that they are loved. These are women who bring the phones into the bathroom when they shower because they don’t want to miss a call from Iraq.

These are women who mow the lawn when they are eight months pregnant and kill all the spiders in the house.

Their big question to me was “How do we let them know that everything is OK at home – they have enough to worry about when they are in combat – but still let them know that we miss them and need them?”

I had some ideas, but I have to share with you something that one of the wives shared with me about how she let’s her husband know that she is all good – but still is missed. After our Friday night session, she went home and texted her husband. She told him that she just wanted to say thank you for all the times he had brought in the groceries when he was home. It was just a little thing, but it made his day. He was blown away that she would be so grateful for such a small thing.

I know that most of the women who read this blog are pretty self sufficient women. You bring home the bacon and fry it up in a pan. But is there one thing that you could thank your husband for today that lightens your load.

  • Bringing in the groceries
  • Bringing home a paycheck
  • Loving your kids
  • Getting the oil changed in the car
  • Mowing the lawn
  • BBQing

The first 25 women who tell me the sweet encouragement they texted to their husbands will get a very cool prize that I promise will encourage your husband. Leave a comment about what you texted to your man and I will let you know on Tuesday what your prize is.

And if you know a military wife? Go give her a hug (and buy her a Dark Cherry Mocha today!)

Oh – and the winners of the two books from last week?

The Winner of I’ll bring the Chocolate is:

Denise says:
April 13, 2010 at 5:31 pm
Oh… I’m blonde and didn’t say why I need girlfriend time…. because God blesses our women relationships and we need encouragement and LOTS of laughter to go with the Sugar Buzz…. my favorite Chocolate…would be truffles, M&M’s, Reeses Peanutbutter cups, etc…. etc….!!!!!

And the winner of Plain Jayne

Karen says:
April 14, 2010 at 8:46 am
‘Plain Jane”: four kids 9, 8,8, 5 yrs. – Homeschool Mom – Women’s Ministry Coordinator – MOPS Council Coordinator = Not much time alone!!

Email me at kathi at kathilipp.com with your address and we will get them out to you!!!)