Yep – this is how I’ve looked for the past two weeks (OK – not so blond, not so skinny, and not so showered…)

I have been typing like a mad woman on the book, so that is why the blog has been so pickin’ quiet. Thanks to everyone who has sent me notes of encouragement of prayer and just plain old cheering me on.

On Monday – I will be starting back in to blogging on a pretty regular basis, because, I have a new book to write and I’m going to need your help.

You see, this summer I will be working on… The “What’s For Dinner?” Project!

I know – how cool is that? And it’s all your fault!

The VP of editorial for Harvest House Publishers and I are Facebook friends, and she couldn’t help but notice that every time I posted something about food, y’all couldn’t help but jump it! I am so excited about this book, I can hardly stand it.

So starting on Monday, we are going to meet back here and talk about food – a lot. (This should be interesting with me doing Weight Watchers and all.)