“Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous woman is powerful and effective.” James 5:16 The New Kathi Version

Asking for Prayer

Hey ladies – it has been quiet here on the blog this week. I have been working and speaking but mostly I have been writing.

I have a new book, “The Me Project” that is coming out at the end of the year, but it’s due in three weeks.

Oy to the Vey.

So my HP laptop and I have become one. But not in a bloggy sort of way.

And that makes me sad ’cause I miss you girls.

So here is a way for me to stay connected with you, and stay focused on the whole putting words on paper thing:

  1. Would you pray for me? Just for today? Here are some of the things I would love prayer for:
    * That I would meet my deadline for this book – April 1
    * That I would write effectively and in a way that honors God but also reaches the hearts of women reading the book
    *That I would continue to honor Roger and the rest of the family in the process (in other words, that I don’t go all witchy on my family…)
  2. Can I pray for you? In the comments, please leave your prayer request. I promise to pray for you! If your prayer is too personal and you don’t want to leave it in the comments, e-mail me at info at kathilipp.com and I will pick it up there.

Thanks my friends. I consider it an honor to pray for each and every one of you and to get to know you better!