If you follow me on facebook, you already know that we had quite the interesting afternoon. A neighboring townhome caught fire this afternoon and after an couple of hours spent on the front lawn, we were allowed back inside. Praise God that our home did not suffer any damage, but please be praying for our neighbors who did. We are so very thankful that no one was seriously hurt (one neighbor suffered some burns on his hand) and for the San Jose fire department (those guys rock!)
Thanks to everyone who was praying for us (and our furry friends.) I am a very grateful woman.
I am so glad everyone is ok Kathi…how scary. That happened when I was a kid and we lived in some townhomes in East San Jose..it was very frightening and I’ve been terrified of fires since. Sad for your neighbors, but glad everyone is safe. Prayed for you all.
So yesterday morning I was talking about you and how my female co-workers needed to read THP. As you may remember, I’m on staff at our church, and each morning all of the staff who are at the office that day gather for prayer. One of those women specifically prayed for safety for those involved in house fires and that there would be no damage. It was very out of the blue so I asked afterwards if I’d missed something, like someone we knew had a fire. Nope, it was just something God put on her heart. That’s how much He loves you Kathi, people praying for your safety before it even happened! I’m so glad no one was seriously hurt!