A week of (virtual) shopping and we made it! Are you inspired?  Do you have some new ideas either from my list, or from the great comments? Are any of you actually done shopping? (I know there are always you highly organized ones lurking out there)

Let’s finish up the list!


17.  Cherished Moments. One Christmas, my friend Vikki received a “Memory Jar” from her friend Dawn just before Dawn moved out of state. On pieces of paper Dawn wrote her favorite memories they’d shared and put them in a decorative jar. Now, even though they’re apart, they keep filling the jar by adding things they continue to remember or new memories they make on trips to visit each other.

18. Family Field trip. Give a family membership to a local museum or zoo. Be sure to find out what special events and benefits exist for members: a special newsletter for kids, members-only hours, discounts on programs and at the gift shop.

19. Total Control. A master remote control will let your guy have reign over the stereo, DVD player, VCR, TV, and surround sound all at once. There are many basic remotes that will do the job for under $20.

20. Baby Blessing. When our kids were young, our neighbors prepaid our baby sitter for five hours. We had a wonderful night out, and our kids had a great night in with their favorite baby sitter. If  that’s still out of budget for you, do the baby-sitting yourself.