Win today’s giveaway! Just tell us what you did (or are going to do!) for today’s Project by 5:00 PST on Tuesday and you will be entered into the drawing for today’s prize:

Friday’s winner? Ann
(E-mail my assistant to get your goodie!)

And today’s giveaway?

Project #17
Playing Hooky
Give Your Guy the Night (or Morning) off

Your Project

    Give your husband some time off. Hire someone to do his chores around the house (or do them yourself if money is tight). Just give him a chance to relax.
    Men have a lot of responsibility in life. Not only is much of their identity wrapped up in providing for you and being the man you need him to be, he constantly has to prove to the world his worth as a man.
    Guys desperately want some time to just be guys and enjoy themselves.  How about giving your guy the night (or morning) off? 
    Whining and nagging get us nowhere. Being a counter-culture, Christ-following wife may not change our husband’s ability to see the crayon writing on the wall, but it will soften our hearts toward him.

On the Other Hand
Some husbands might take offense to having someone hired to do their chore. This could be especially true if your husband struggles at work, is unemployed, or in some other way feeling discouraged about his abilities.
If this is the case in your home, how about buying a tool to help him with his regular duty? A bag of chamois for cleaning his car, a rake to replace the one you bought when you first moved into your house are all ways to say, “I love you” without making him feel like you don’t think he’s holding up his end of the bargain.

Remember, this is all about your attitude. It should never be our intention to “prove our point.” The only point to prove is that we love our guy and want to show him our appreciation.

Prayer for Today
Dear God, I pray that my husband finds places of rest in his day. Let me contribute to that today.

Getting Creative
•    Take his car to the carwash for him.
•    Stock his ashtray with a Starbucks card to make his mornings a little brighter.
•    Both my husband and I absolutely hate calling repairmen. However, if I make the arrangements, he’s more than happy to deal with the repairs once the guy gets here. It is a win-win for both of us when I call to schedule the repairs.

Project Report

“My husband is not really good at taking personal time but when the opportunity presented itself for him to go to a computer conference with his friends (just for fun, not work related) I actually encouraged him to go. He met up with some friends from college, took the day off work and left at 8:30am and didn’t get home until 11:00pm. He had a ball and I had to juggle both kids at a doctor’s appointment (getting shots nonetheless) without him. He was giddy when he got home and had fun eating out all day, catching up with friends and doing something that would have bored me to tears. He loved it and was totally re-energized.”