Win today’s giveaway! Just tell us what you did (or are going to do!) for today’s Project by 5:00 PST on Tuesday and you will be entered into the drawing for today’s prize:

Yesterday’s winner? alh1203
(E-mail my assistant to get your goodie!)

And today’s giveaway?

Project #16

Cat Calls

Let Him Know You Think He’s Hot


Your Project:

In some small way today, let your husband know that you’re still attracted to him physically.

            One of the things your man is looking for is affirmation. If he knows that you find him desirable and attractive, it goes a long way in giving him confidence in other areas of his life.

            What drew you to him in the first place? I know he had a great sense of humor, and was kind, but let’s go shallower than that. What physical attribute did you first notice about him?

            Was it his piercing green eyes, his crooked little smile, his cute butt? This is the project to remind him that he still “does it” for you.

Show Him Your (Candied) Heart

            If this is a new concept for you, it may be difficult to be fun and flirty – especially if the last time you told him how great he looked was on your wedding day. Why not flirt with some candy hearts? NECCO has been making these since the Civil War and there is sure to be a heart to say exactly what’s on your mind.


Some of the original sayings still used today include:

“Be Mine”

“Be Good”

“Be True”

“My Man”

“Kiss Me” 

“Sweet Talk.”


            If none of those say exactly what you want, you don’t have the option of ordering specialized hearts (well, you do, but the bad news is that the minimum order is 1.7 million hearts. The good news? They stay fresh for five years.) However, if you’d like an online version that you can customize, go to and let your heart say what it wants.


Prayer for Today

Dear God, may my husband know that I am attracted to him and choose him above all other guys.


Getting Creative

·         Looking for inspiration? Check out the Song of Solomon in the Old Testament. Talk about knowing how to show your adoration – woo hoo.

  • A little out of practice when it comes to flirting? Imagine what you would love to hear from your husband and turn it around on him.
  • Walk in on him while he’s in the shower, just stand there and when he asks what you’re looking at, simply sigh and say, “Just enjoying the show.”
  • No fair using your womanly wiles on him when he’s performing a household task. The words, “Wow, you look so hot when you are scrubbing the toilet,” are not allowed.


Project Reports

“Well, I am a little too private to tell you exactly what happened, but I communicated to my husband that he is sexy and I am attracted to him. The reaction I got was fantastic to say the least. He looked so surprised and so so so so so pleased. This was the number one winner so far.”
