Hey girlies –
I am getting ready for a retreat in the Santa Cruz Mountains (I know, try not to feel too sorry for me…)
So instead of doing a half-hearted post about The Husband Project, here is a full-hearted post about a coffee I love and a book I love (and we will get back to all things Husband on Monday…)
Have you tried the instant coffee, Via, from Starbucks? Now let’s just be clear. I am not an instant kind of girl. (And don’t even get me started on powdered creamer. I once had a MOPS group that was complaining that they were losing women. When I saw their coffee set-up I understood. POWDERED CREAMER. I mean really, have some pride ladies. You could have called me. I would have picked up some creamer on the way there. Really, it’s no bother.)
Leave me a comment as to why you deserve a moments peace, a cup of coffee, and a great read, and I will choose one winner to receive two packets of Via as well as one of my favorite books ever:

I deserve it because I’m in Ohio instead of the Santa Cruz mountains.
Cracking up about the powdered creamer. I totally agree. I’d rather buy cheap coffee and liquid creamer than good coffee and the powdered stuff.
When I get a moment to myself (as a mom of two little ones)…a Starbucks drink and a good book are the FIRST things that comes to mind. I like how you think, Kathi!!! I stay at home with my girls and I feel like I haven’t had a shower, phone conversation, or nap that wasn’t interrupted in the past 3 years. Little did I know how much motherhood would challenge my selfish nature!
I’ve had five doctor appointments in three days, yes all for me as I’m falling apart in my middle age. I went to a continuing education seminar today and the topic had to do with Autism. I cried during it because I and the speaker were the only ones with an ASD kid and she spoke truth to the other attendees. The truth about how difficult and wiped out we are caring for our loved one with an Autistic Spectrum Disorder. Truth about how important it is as health care providers we take the time and energy to learn all we can about our patients to make their experience with us the best we can. Parents of ASD kids are parenting with a capital P every single day instead of once every few months like with neurotypical kids. My husband is working two jobs. At one point today everyone in the house was crying. Okay that’s the whiner in me and I’m done with that laundry list, but not the laundry lol.
The real reason I need a moment’s peace:
I’m pretty darned awesome. 😉
My favorite “down time” was to go to Starbucks on Wednesday night after church with my best friend until she moved to Alabama 🙁 I miss my friend!!!!!
Boy oh boy! I am in serious need of a good read and great coffee.
(On a side note, thanks for promoting VIA. Did you know that you can purchase extra VIA on your next trip to Starbucks and they will ship it to our troops overseas?!)
I have spent many months now as a “single” mom. My husband, a soldier, is away at training. The first month was really rough but I had many good days. After the heartbreaking events that took place at Fort Hood yesterday I have become an emotional mess again. I am so very thankful that my husband was not stationed at Fort Hood and is safe in VA, however it still stirs up fears and insecurities. So, I am here caring for 3 kids, and a house that all really need my attention. My husband called just a bit ago and told me to get a cup of coffee, a good book, and take a nice long bath. Sounds good to me, I’m just missing the coffee and the book!
From my High School friend Geoff (OK how cool is it that a GUY is entering for his wife!!!)
So this is why I think I, actually my wife needs a moments peace and a cup of coffee. Oct 18th was my son’s 5th birthday and we all had a good time at Pump It Up. That night, my wifes water broke and we ended up going to the hospital and she ended up having an emergency c-section that morning 5 and 1/2 weeks early which was unexpected. Anyway, … Read Moremy son woke up that morning to no mommy and daddy and would not see his mommy for a week. Grandma was there so it was good. So that week, I was juggling staying with mommy in the hospital and tending to daddy duties with Noah. There is a new rule that no one under the age of 16 is allowed in the hospital even if you are a sibling. Mommy came home Friday, but baby Chloe was still in the NICU and would stay another week while they monitored her since she was so early. So Noah would not be able to see her sister for 2 weeks. In that week, mommy and daddy traded off visiting the NICU for Chloe’s feedings and taking care of Noah and his school. Yea! Chloe came home last Friday! PTL! But it does not stop there… Sunday Noah come down with a 102+ temp. Chloe has her first Dr. visit on Monday so while we are there we have Noah checked out. And survey says……….. H1N1! so he immediately goes on tamiflu and his body reacts very well. He is over it within a few days but is again quarantined from this sister. Not long after, actually 2 days later daddy gets a sinus infection and the flu (not sure what variety) but definately not fun. The Dr. said that I should quaranitne myself from the rest of the family. I am on my 3rd day of antiboitics and tamiflu, but not out of the woods yet. So this whole time, Felicia has had to do the baby duties every 3 hours on her own. 🙁 I just hope that Felicia or Chloe don’t follow my and Noah’s sickness………
I must confess that I get a lot of peace because I’m in grad school and my family is great about giving me space for studying. But this is why I always need coffee, to help keep me focused on studying, and something to read that isn’t a textbook!
BTW, my church does NOT serve powdered creamer because we have a hospitality lady who is very in tune with the importance of good coffee. We are very grateful for her!
Jessica – YOUR CHURCH SERVES POWDERED CREAMER – that is just so wrong on so many, many levels…
Hey Kathi, I just saw you Facebook post and had to come and read the blog. You are SO right about the powdered creamer. I’ve been known to put my own liquid creamer in my travel mug on Sunday mornings where it will be happily joined by fresh coffee when we arrive at church…LOL! Oh, these women so deserve the fabulous prize, but I thought I’d drop a comment and say…pick me too! Have a great day.
OK – how glad am I that this is randomly chosen. I want to send y’all something!!!
My husband has been having a really hard time at work lately. You know the drill…bad boss, unfair projects, etc. We have two small boys (22 months and 7 months). When Jeff get’s home from work, normally we both can handle the kids as they break down in their normal “I’m getting tired” sort of way. The past couple of weeks have been really hard for my Hubie to work so hard for an unfair (but thankful for the job) boss and then hear the babies cry most of the night. Honestly, I would just like a peaceful moment for Jeff. He deserves it so much more right now.
Why I need a good read and good coffee…Lets see, I am a stay at home with four children and a husband. As we all know, that is a lot on it’s own, BUT let me tell you about my four children and husband! My oldest is 12 and hormonal and everything is ALWAYS wrong, not to mention is a vegetarian, by choice. I have a special needs 10 year old-he has PDD-NOS (a form of autism), AD/HD, dyslexia, learning disorder and very little short term memory. He is enough to keep me on my toes! Then there is my 9 year old with all his golf lessons. Then, my precious 2 year old. She is also a special needs child that has a malabsorption problem. She can have NO sugar what-so-ever! Plus, she has therapy twice a week for her low muscle tone and we see 4 specialists to deal with the problems that the malabsorption has caused…asthma, low immune system, tummy…you get the picture! I also help run a play group in my area. I am up at 6am getting things together and not in bed until midnight for the most part. Between having to cook everything by scratch (due to the no sugar) and to make sure it’s either vegetarian or pull some of it out to make it vegetarian, keeping up the schedule my son needs, and still making time for my other kids and my well deserving husband..a good book to read maybe in the pick up line or waiting for my daughter to get out of therapy and a great cup of coffee to keep me going would be heaven!!
OO’ Instant cofee that’s good, can’t wait top check it out ; )
A moment to myself? would I be able to pick the time of day and where (besides the bathroom)…haha
I’m a mother of 7 children ( ages 20, 13, two 11yr olds, 10, 24 months and 11 months), and a wife of one and a women with chronic heath issue. So just to be able to sit and enjoy something warm to drink and a good book to read would be heaven. Oh!, let me add NO interruptions..lol Someone is always in need of something with my household.
I would so love a moment from time to time with no interruption.
I can’t compete with the above comments. Those women all certainly deserve a moments peace, good cup of coffee, and a great read…I certainly hope they get them. God bless!
I would just love to have a moments peace at the end of what has been a rough week here. Taking care of two sick children under the age of 4, while I myself have bronchitis. The week started out under control as I was excited to get myself and the kids into the doctors’ offices on Monday and then to the pharmacy with our respective prescriptions to rid what ails us. It went downhill when I had an allergic reaction to my medication and ended up in the hospital for the day. Then there’s my poor husband who had to juggle work and the sick kids until I got home. Now he’s been working double shifts to cover for all who are out sick at his office.
It’s just been a truly chaotic week that has made me appreciate our normal days of running around for errands, school and church activities, and friends and family visits. I’m looking forward to those again real soon!
Where do I start? I have 2 kids. A 3 year old boy and a 10 month old girl who has been walking since she was 8 1/2 months. My husband works graveyard and is a full time student at APU studing microbiology (he wants to be a MD). Also I work part time, and doing a fundraiser for my work. I am also on the mission commitee and am helping launch a new program at my church. To top it all off I live with my parents to save money. Do I need to say more?
One Husband
Six Children
Two Dogs
Two Home Bases Businesses
And the strength to do it all – One God
I deserve a moment to myself with a good book and a cup of coffee because I am a hardworking Mom. I don’t have a job outside of the home, unless you consider my position as Publicity Steering Team Leader for my MOPS group. I don’t have a job inside of the home unless you consider my position as maid, butler, driver, librarian, playmate, hugger, tickler, and number one boo-boo kisser. I have excelled at both these positions becuase my MOPS group has tripled in size since I have been the Publicity STL and my hubby and 2 year old daughter are happy, clean, safe, and know that they are loved. Now THAT is a job well done! 🙂
My life is amazing! I have raised three awesome children and should be enjoying the whole empty nest thing..BUT I have the toughest classroom of 22 children that I have had in a while. It is like having 22 children..tattling, arguing, crying, talking constantly..UGH! I would love to feel awake enough to read a good book and sip a warm coffee by the crackling fire instead of needing the jolt of the coffee to get me through the day! Oh and most importantly to be called Julie instead of Mrs. W. or teacher!
I realized today, after dealing with a late babysitter, that my life is desperately dependent on the clock. 24/7,even to the minute. A mother of two girls, 3 and 1, I watch all day; did they get enough sleep, is it snack time, how long has it been since I changed a diaper or asked someone to use the potty? Am I due to pick up from preschool, or is it drop off? Is Dora on? Working two days a week I find while at work the hours tick by without even a glance. And who is the evil genius that came up with daylight savings time? Cruel, cruel trick on parents. Do I deserve to get lost in a good book while drinking a good cup of coffee…letting time slip away as if it just plain does not matter? Well, yes I do!
I deserve a moments peace because I have a teenager and a 7 year old at one time. When they are alone they are model kids. When together I don’t think they know what “get along” means 😀 I am also raising a special needs as one of these kids. I have began to work basically full time again, too. Plus throw in being a girl in a house of 3 guys and you understand why I take any “moment” I get (this DOES include those moments I actually get to the bathroom without hearing “MMMOOOMMM”! Do I qualify for needing a moment and a good read?
P.S. I am SO looking forward to your new book, The Marriage Project! When does it come out again? Is there any way we can order early from you? (just have to ask 😀 )