Win today’s giveaway! Just tell us what you did (or are going to do!) for today’s Project by 5:00 PST on Tuesday and you will be entered into the drawing for today’s prize:
Yesterday’s winner? Ashley at Sweet Baby Cakes Design
(Ashley – e-mail my assistant to get your goodie!)
(BTW – they have some ADORABLE stuff over there! Check them out – it would be a great place to pick up a gift for a new mommy or something over-the-top cute for a Christmas gift!!!)
And today’s giveaway?
What Not to Wear
Pitching the Pajama Pants
Your Project:
Get rid of one item of clothing you know your husband is not in love with. If it’s a favorite that you’ll have a hard time parting with, go ahead and purchase a replacement you know your guy will like.
For today’s project we will be getting rid of one piece of “comfortable” clothing. You know the one – it could be the pair of sweats, some comfy slippers, or a college sweatshirt. Your husband may not even notice that you’ve done away with it. The point is you’re taking another step towards thinking about him when getting dressed, instead of going to those sad, sad, jammie bottoms once again.
Just get rid of it. That’s all. You know what “it” is. For me, it was my pair of brown, cropped sweatpants that I thought were perfectly acceptable — but I knew that Roger secretly hated. I replaced them with a pair of cute brown sweatpants with a matching hoodie sweat shirt for when I am working from home or running the kids to all their activities. This outfit is cute and comfortable.
A List of Ten Clothing Items that Should Never be Worn Around Your Husband
Unless your husband has specifically said, “You look so adorable,” while wearing this particular item, it needs to go. Don’t make me come over and “What Not to Wear” you.
1. Team Jerseys (Unless they‘re your husband’s team and you are wearing the jersey as a sexy night shirt)
2. Overalls (unless you both work on a farm)
3. Running shoes for anything other than running
4. Mom jeans (super high wasted, tapered and pleated, oh my…)
5. Any sweater with a Christmas tree or a pumpkin on it (unless you’re a kindergarten teacher. Even then, change into something flattering right after work. There is nothing sexy about wearing ornaments.)
6. Long floral dresses that tie in the back. They make your figure look dumpy and make you look like you’re wearing a table cloth.
7. Acid- washed anything. Enough said.
8. Underwear that has any form of safety pin attached to it.
9. Nursing bras. Especially if your child is now six.
10. Anything that an ex-boyfriend has ever given you.
When I e-mailed my friend Rachelle that I was working on this list, this is the note I got back from her:
“Be SURE to include baggy sweats on your list! When I figured that one out and traded all my baggy sweats for cute jeans & T’s and sexy leggings, well, let’s just say things got a lot hotter around my house.”
I rest my case.
Prayer for Today
Dear God, make me focus on actions that change my attitude, instead of trying to change my husband.
Getting Creative
• What do your slippers look like? If they’re the pair you had in college, time to walk them out the door.
• For one of my friends, it was a hair scrunchie that was seeing a little too much time outside of the house. (There was a bonus here because a number of her friends were about to have a scrunchie intervention. This project kept her out of a scrunchie 12-Step Program.)
• That sumptuous terrycloth bathrobe you got at the spa several years back by now has lost its “wrap me in luxury” feel and probably qualifies for pet bedding material. Time to find another robe; and the only strings hanging off will be the belt ties.
Project Reports
“I threw out an old t-shirt I loved to wear to bed – an old favorite with Troy Aikman on it. Aaahh. Anyhow, I took some comments my husband had said to me to heart and now go to bed with (gasp!) nothing on! I thought it would be an open invitation for sex all the time, but it hasn’t been. But, boy, is he a happy man! He gets to look all he wants and men are really visual beings. For his part, he got me an electric blanket which he turns on before I get into bed, which is so cozy. And, hey, I get to wear that beautiful robe I have. Everybody wins.”
“Great idea I’ve come across as I’ve gotten rid of all the comfy sweats…I now have nothing cute to wear, so I dropped a little note for my husband about this great web site he should check out for Valentines Day. It’s It’s a win-win situation. He gets to pick out something that he would love to see me in and I get a gift! I think he loved the idea!”

Done deal! Happy man last night. Oh, I am still cooking this week and he has liked everything I have made (two of your recipes). Thank you Kathi!
I recently got rid of all the old tshirts I was sleeping in and got some cute sleep sets and nighties and now he is much happier to see me coming to bed. 🙂 I even amped up my workout clothes from old tshirts to cute workout clothes. Helps me stay motivated to workout!
When they invent shoes other than the one sneaker I can wear that fit my orthotics I’ll be right on the shoe thing. For now I vow to toss all my sleep tees with holes in them…and his too LOL.
LOL!! Started doing this awhile ago while working on my marriage. Bought some nice nighties and started wearing nice clothes out. I am slowly working on the workout shoes. bought some cute flats and boots.
I will weed threw some more of my comfortable jammies that are not attractive. Better yet I will wear something that he likes tonight.
I will stop wearing my husband’s shirts to bed. He always comments about it when I do, but they are so big and comfy. I also have an old shirt of his that I like to wear around the house that even has holes in it. I’ll get rid of that.
I have cute comfy clothes and pjs, I just need to wear them instead of his old tshirts.