Win today’s giveaway! Just tell us what you did (or are going to do!) for today’s Project by 7:00 PST on Friday and you will be entered into the drawing for today’s prize:
An Advanced Copy of The Marriage Project (coming out Dec. 1)
I am so excited about today’s prize! Win this kit from Cheryl at An Occasional Chocolate and get a great recipe for making your own Gourmet Caramel Apples.
So leave your comment below to be entered to win!
While this is the second week of our project, if you have friends who want to join in, let them know that they can jump in any time. You don’t need to have The Husband Project book in order to participate, but you definitely will get more out of this(and be able to plan better) if you read along. You can order it on Amazon or for a special price on my website.
And yesterday’s winner? Deanna.! Please e-mail and she will get it right out to you! Thanks again Cheryl from
Project #9
Hi-ho, Hi-ho
Working Together
Your Project:
Today, it’s coming to help your husband to get the job done. Help him get one of his regular duties off his list, or come along side him and assist in a project that he enjoys.
“Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.”
Henry Ford
Teaming Up
It could be as simple as taking out the garbage, cooking dinner, or washing his car alongside him. Offering to do a job with your man is a great way to get the job done and have some fun along the way.
I have always had the fantasy (I think along with most of my friends,) that the way my husband and I are going to continue the honeymoon is by candlelit dinners and romantic strolls along tree-laden paths, with a string quartet playing softly in the background, and then to a swelling crescendo, when he declares his everlasting love for me. Plus, the occasional large piece of jewelry would definitely help in keeping that loving feeling alive.
But, the truth as I know it is that the times I look back on with the most affection are the long hours we talked about love and life while reorganizing the camping equipment on the racks in the garage, or the time we tried to repeat a chicken picatta recipe that we enjoyed at a local restaurant. Not only is the work more fun, it’s less of a chore when you work together.
Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor. For if either of them falls, the one will lift up his companion. But woe to the one who falls when there is not another to lift him up (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10).
The other benefit to working together is that you’ll be able to complement and celebrate each other’s natural strengths. Where you are weak, and your husband is strong, he will be able to help you.
Is there a part of a chore that your husband hates, but you don’t mind, or even, enjoy? Support him in a loving and affirmative way by taking the part that you do well, and let his strengths shine. (Plus, if you’re like Roger and me, you’ll be happy to have your husband at the ready, able to reach the fire alarm when some of your cooking experiments have gotten out of hand.)
Prayer for Today
Dear God, let my husband feel he has a partner in me. May he be blessed and supported by me everyday.
Getting Creative
Make it fun and get “his” work done so you can both play.
· ?Does he enjoy cooking? Maybe he would appreciate a prep cook for the day. Let him perform his sauté magic while you chop, clean and do whatever it is that will let him release the Rocco within.
· If he’s one of those clean car freaks (we don’t have any at our house, but I have heard they exist) use your Handyvac skills to clean the inside while he works on the outside.
· Would he rather work alone? Get him a cold drink or a hot chocolate to let him know you’re grateful for all he does.
Project Reports
My husband likes to do the dishes after dinner to relax. So tonight I will dry them while he washes. Should be fun!
This one is hard for us, since we have four kids; we usually have children helping as well. Also, I already take the trash out, wash the cars and ride the mower. Yes, things I love that he does not enjoy. At times I feel like others look down on him because I do those things, but I am the one home and I have no problem doing them. Sometimes husbands just love it when we sit and watch them do something they love. For Jeff it’s the x-box. He loves it when I watch him play or attempt to learn and play myself. It’s a stretch for me since I don’t really like video games.

Were having a birthday celebration tomorrow. Last night we set up all the patio furniture and tents. This evening we will be hanging the lights and setting the tables along with chairs. I have a speciall little round table where the cake will be displayed. However, tonight I have a late evening planned out for him that will benefit us. I have a special ordered pizza with all his favorites to be delivered at 8:45pm that will be accompanied with a sweet fun and flirty basket of goodies. Beginning with chocolates, fruits, wine and ending with a sweet twist of edible oils. I also have included a “for your eyes/use only” coupon-scrapbook that I created and special wrapped.
This project came at the perfect time for me! I have been feeling so angry and frustrated that my husband had to leave for a work trip unexpectedly the day of my daughters 6th birthday. The more I thought about it, the angrier I got. I started to make mental lists of all the ways that I support our children, while he comes along for the ride when he can. I kept thinking, “when he gets home, I am going to check out, and let him struggle with the birthday party preparations.” It is really embarassing to write it down, but I really felt justified in my anger.
The fact of the matter is that my husband is an excellent father, and usually has an amazingly flexible schedule that allows him to be home for our children’s activities and for mine as well. I am going to cowgirl up, and give hime the time off that he needs when he gets home. I will not be angry at him, or make passive agressive comments about him being gone. It was not his fault, and if he could’ve been here he would’ve. Thank you for reminding me to take care of the man that really takes care of all of us!!! PS, I can’t wait to give him a big hug and then some when he gets home 😉
This project came at the perfect time for me! I have been feeling so angry and frustrated that my husband had to leave for a work trip unexpectedly the day of my daughters 6th birthday. The more I thought about it, the angrier I got. I started to make mental lists of all the ways that I support our children, while he comes along for the ride when he can. I kept thinking, “when he gets home, I am going to check out, and let him struggle with the birthday party preparations.” It is really embarassing to write it down, but I really felt justified in my anger.
We are attempting to hold a yard sale tomorrow morning followed by a birthday party in the afternoon. I’ll be helping my husband sort through all the stuff he’s been stockpiling in the garage for the sale. Then we’ll be making wooden shields and swords for all the Good Knights that are coming to the party …. probably into the wee hours!
Looking back a bit, the day we were supposed to do something physical he got a horrible tooth ache and root canal treatment. There was no touching that night of any sort. Which brings me to today’s task. He’s still sore and jarring the mouth is uncomfortable. I will be mowing the lawn for him to ease his discomfort. What we will do together is sort through some stuff I’ve left in “his” garage. We both feel so much better having worked together to make our space more livable. And releasing our unwanteds into the world where they may be wanted by someone else always feels good. ~Looking forward to the positive energy bonuses! 😉
My husband is a teacher and i will help him grade some of his busy work. I know he will appraciate a little of the load off his shoulders.
Lets see….I’ve been sick for a couple of days, but I think I can manage cleaning the bathroom, which he usually does on the weekend along w/ yard-work. If I’m better by the weekend I’ll help with the yard-work too.
My hubby had a “to-do list” he made Monday of little things he wanted to get done this week after work. I noticed one of the projects I can do…move a dresser & deep clean office. So tomorrow I am going to tackle that item off his list and surprise him when he gets home with one less thing to do & then help him complete a few more of those items on his list together.
well My husband doesn’t help with alot of the house work he basically takes care of the yard He has had a long week so sunday I will help him with the Lawn and rack some leaves and even have our girls help so he will get it done faster and be able to watch some football
We are making wine as a hobby. I will be helping him “punch” it down and testing it. We also have a garden so we will be picking vegetables together and then I will make him homemade french onion soup (my gift to him) as he will be peeling the onions (his gift to me).
He has to work tomorrow and he always takes lunch. I will help him make and pack his lunch tonight.
This is a great one for us. It will have to wait until tomorrow but that will be great because we will have most of the day together (except when I am at work). There is a ton of yard work to do before we start getting winter weather so I imagine that is where we will be!