Win today’s giveaway! Just tell us what you did (or are going to do!) for today’s Project by 7:00 PST on Thursday and you will be entered into the drawing for today’s prize:
Gourmet Caramel Apple Kit by
I am so excited about today’s prize! Win this kit from Cheryl at An Occasional Chocolate and get a great recipe for making your own Gourmet Caramel Apples.
So leave your comment below to be entered to win!
While this is the first week of our project, if you have friends who want to join in, let them know that they can jump in any time. You don’t need to have The Husband Project book in order to participate, but you definitely will get more out of this(and be able to plan better) if you read along. You can order it on Amazon or for a special price on my website.
And yesterday’s winner? Jessica C.! Please e-mail and she will get it right out to you!
Project #8
Location, Location, Location
A Special Treat in a Special Place
Your Project:
Make it food and make the location fun. Really, that’s all it is.
It’s food again, but this time it’s all about setting.
In our culture, food is innately tied to celebration. If someone gets a promotion, has a birthday, or even scores an A on a test, the first words out of our mouths are often, “We should celebrate! Where do you want to go to eat?” I’m not saying it’s the best plan (especially, if like me, and half the other citizens of the
So, instead of focusing solely on the food this time, think about making a small event out of it.
A Cozy Corner at Home
A favorite spot at our house is the fire pit on our tiny back patio. In one of the top kitchen cabinets, hidden deep so that no one eats through our supply, is a stash of marshmallows, graham crackers and Hershey’s bars for s’mores that we can roast over an open flame. While the s’mores are a family favorite, Roger and I also love to take coffee and hot cocoa out by the fire and sit and talk.
Location Plus Atmosphere
Think of some other ways to turn your treat into a memorable moment. I have an iTunes list of songs that I know are my guy’s favorites. While I may never have thought to put together a list that includes Jars of Clay, James Taylor and the Soundtrack to Shrek, I know it makes him happy.
Maybe it’s doing a tailgater at a football game, or going to his favorite coffee shop and reading the paper with him on a Saturday morning. Donuts in bed? Whatever would be fun for him is the Your Plan for the Project.
Prayer for Today
Dear God, teach me to create places of celebration – no matter how small – inside and outside my home that will make my husband feel loved.
Getting Creative
No need to get super fancy here. If he simply enjoys popcorn in front of the TV, that’s OK. Some other ideas?
* If he enjoys being outside, how about dinner in the back yard? I have a friend who doesn’t have patio furniture, so she actually drags her wooden breakfast table and chairs outside. It’s not about resources, it is about creativity.
* One thing our family has done on several occasions, especially when the kids were little, was to do the carpet picnic. Spread out some quilts, watch a movie and enjoy the great indoors. (This would be a great night not to serve soup.)
* Pack one of his favorite snacks for a long trip.
* For a more grownup encounter, how about a shower or bath with chocolates…
Project Reports
“I am going to shock the socks off my husband and get up when he does (4:30 in the morning), make him coffee and bring him a cup while he is in the shower. He will definitely know something is Up!”
“Yummy yum! I made hubby’s favorite Cheesy Chicken recipe. His favorite place for food is at the table with our family so we kept the location traditional (have to go with what works for your hubby’s personality/preferences). I might try for a picnic when the weather allows.”
“Yes, it is all about location, location, location…. our favorite place is on the front porch … whether it’s a picnic lunch on paper plates or sit down dinner (with the card table covered in a tablecloth and “real” dishes) – we have many great memories of eating/relaxing in our outdoor living room!”
“We were at my mom’s on Thanksgiving break. I brought him breakfast in bed, along with the whole family. We all sat in bed for an hour eating our fruit loops, coffee and bananas, watching cartoons. He loved it, said it was better than back in the day when it was just us.”
“I’m going to set up a special lunch table in the staff room where he works. Food, candles, tablecloth and cloth napkins. Hopefully he will react more favorably than he did to breakfast in bed.”
Your Plan for the Project
(space for writing)
Your Results (his reaction, my reaction, etc.)
(space for writing)

Umm I want to win the caramel apples! 🙂
Opps, forgot to say thanks for the book! Can’t wait!
I’ll be doing breakfast in bed…tonight! My poor guy is working late again tonight, so he’ll be ready to fall into bed. Bacon is something I hate cooking, but he loves it, so that will be the highlight of his meal 🙂
I picked up my husband’s favorite candy bar and will leave it on top of his pajamas…so he is thinking sweet thoughts when it is bedtime!
Tonight is a late dinner since my hubby takes our son to soccer from 5:30-6:30 and we will have dinner after. This is great because I can make setting the table nicely and have dinner ready when they get home! We do not have an actual table but a breakfast bar we eat each meal at so it is hardly ever set properly. I love a nicely set table so I have all the stuff. Spaghetti is the plan so I think a nice Italian theme will work. My daughters will have fun doing this with me! I wish I had more time to run out for some flowers or something to make it extra special though.
Forgot to write that I will look good later after the cookies. wink…
I went and picked up some yummy brownies with cream cheese frosting. Hide them from the kids and snicked my husband in the kitchen to show him what we would be having later.
Okay, with my husband getting sick we got all off track. Tomorrow night, homemade chocolate chip cookies and ice cream in the shop listening to his favorite 70’s rock and roll. This will really stump him. tee, hee
OK – I keft for a 2-day retreat and got all behind on everything. I need to catch up. I think on Thursday I’ll combine the looking good for my hubby with a special treat in a special place. I hope all this stuff is making him feel better. He’s been so stressed with worl I can’t tell if it is making a difference?! 🙁
I picked up some candy apples at the sore today and I will have candy apples and popcorn along with the latest episode of House ready for us to watch on the couch after we tuck the munchkin into bed tonight! Love this!