Win today’s giveaway! Just tell us what you did (or are going to do!) for today’s Project by 7:00 PST on Wednesday and you will be entered into the drawing for today’s prize: Red Hot Monogamy by Bill and Pam Farrel
The Marriage Code – Codes are all around us: access codes for banking accounts, to make reservations for travel, or to gain entry into buildings or our own computers. Do you want to know how to use a code to move your marriage “above the line of success and security” where everything is good, life is enjoyable and romance sizzles? In Bill and Pam Farrel’s newest book, The Marriage Code, couples will learn the secret code to unlock love. The Farrels are relationship specialists, international speakers and authors of over 30 books including best selling Men are like Waffles, Women are like Spaghetti. With their characteristic humor, solid wisdom, and practical illustrations, the Farrels will help you use the marriage code to gain entry into your mate’s heart and life. If you want to trade in conflict for connection, use The Marriage Code. New release special:
The Marriage Code: $12 (a $2 savings)
The Farrels present difficult–to–discuss topics and biblical truths in universal language with sensitivity, fun, and understanding.
For newlyweds, golden anniversary celebrants, and all couples in between—this book inspires the gift of romance and passion to fuel lives with love.
So leave your comment below to be entered to win!
While this is the first week of our project, if you have friends who want to join in, let them know that they can jump in any time. You don’t need to have The Husband Project book in order to participate, but you definitely will get more out of this(and be able to plan better) if you read along. You can order it on Amazon or for a special price on my website.
And yesterday’s winner? Amber Oliveira! Please e-mail and she will get it right out to you!
Project #7
Trophy Wife
Looking Goooood for Your Man
Your Project:
Do one thing to make an effort to look nice just for your guy. It can be clothing, hair or make-up.
Miranda Priestly: …You have no sense of fashion…
Andy Sachs: I think that depends on…
Miranda Priestly: No, no, that wasn’t a question.
– The Devil Wears Prada
Most husbands are pretty visual creatures. They love to be proud of the way you look. Is it possible (just maybe… please don’t take offense here) that you’re not putting in the effort that you once did when it comes to looking your best? Do you get all dressed up to go out to dinner with your girlfriends, but put on the same old sweatshirt to grab food with your man?
· If this is an area you struggle in, it may be time to do some research on the topic. Do your homework by watching fashion TV (What Not to Wear or Tim Gunn’s Guide to Style) or reading up on the subject. One of my favorite books is Simply Beautiful: Inside and Out by Jill Swanson. Please note—I’m not saying you have to spend a lot of money! These days you can find cute clothes at Target and other less expensive stores. You just have to take the time to find the right fit and the right look just for you.

Ugh, how did you know today is my housework day…meaning sweatpants and a grubby tee? So I’ll be sure to change into something more appealing before he gets home tonight. A clean house and a good looking wife! He’ll be impressed 🙂