Win today’s giveaway! Just tell us what you did (or are going to do!) for today’s Project by 7:00 PST on Tuesday and you will be entered into the drawing for today’s book: A Wife After God’s Own Heart
One secret to marital bliss is for a wife to love her husband the way God designed for her to love him—even with his shortcomings. God hasn’t called a woman to change her husband, but to focus on her calling as a wife. And the rewards for doing so are rich! Elizabeth provides valuable and practical insights on 12 key areas of a marriage, including…
- What it means to be a husband’s helper
- What submission is and isn’t
- Nurturing joy in your home and family
- Excelling in your work…and making time for fun as a couple!
So leave your comment below to be entered to win!
While this is the first day of our project, if you have friends who want to join in, let them know that they can jump in any time. You don’t need to have The Husband Project book in order to participate, but you definitely will get more out of this(and be able to plan better) if you read along. You can order it on Amazon or for a special price on my website.
And our winner of yesterday’s giveaway Becoming the Woman of His Dreams is ALH1203! Please e-mail my assistant Kimberly at and she will put it in the mail!!!
Let me just say, I am so proud of all of you for thinking outside the box and doing what you had to do to bless your man! I love the observation that Cami made on the first day:
“Day one of the project and I already feel better about him and how much he does for our little family. It helps to think outside of myself and what I need to get done in the day.”
Project #2
Back in the Day
Do Something He Enjoyed Before You Got Married
Your Project:
Initiate an activity that your husband used to love. Whether it’s his favorite hobby, sport, or pastime, it’s time for you to get involved – be his buddy today.
“Lust is easy. Love is hard. Like is most important.” ~ Carl Reiner
Most guys don’t spend a lot of time hanging out with their buddies—you are his buddy. He married you to have a built-in friend who he can do all those fun things. (The fact that the two of you can have sex is definitely a bonus…)
It’s vital for men to build friendship into each other’s lives, and as wives, we have a responsibility to encourage our guys to hang out with other good guys. However, in most marriages, our husbands will be looking to us to do life with.
It’s time to think about those things your husband loves to do with you—his buddy. Maybe it’s hiking up a mountain, hanging out at Best Buy, or watching his alma mater’s football team play at the local high school. It doesn’t matter if you like it or not—your fun will come from watching the look on your husband’s face as he reclaims some of his long forgotten loves. (Video gaming anyone?)
If you need to keep it really simple today, maybe just get him talking about something he used to love to do – or even just watch what we call in our house a “boy show” (something on the science channel where something is blowing up…)
Prayer for Today
Dear God, I pray that my husband can view me as his friend and lover, as you have designed.
“A hobby a day keeps the doldrums away.” ~ Phyllis McGinley
Getting Creative
· Many a man’s hobby has gone by the wayside due to matrimony. Is it possible that it’s time you learned to golf or fly fish? Don’t try to beat him, just join him.
· Possibly the only thing your husband would enjoy more than playing chess with you is teaching you how to play chess. Ask for a lesson so he can teach you something that he is an expert at (or really loves). Just your willingness to learn will be a huge boost to your guy.
· Pick up a magazine about your guy’s now dormant hobby. Ask him questions about why he loves it so much. Learn a couple of technical terms so that you are better able to discuss it.
· Do a little research. Find out what the definitive website is on your husband’s favorite subject. Maybe there’s an event in town, a lecture to attend, or a game to watch.
Project Reports
My husband is a public school principal. He is great at what he does but the job is taxing emotionally. We have two children, a 16-year old daughter and a nine-year old son. They both want his attention and he spends a lot of time with them. He also has a wife who has her own set of needs. All that said there is not a lot of time for him.
When I plan something that I know he will really like, a hike on a beautiful trail, something we did a lot more of pre-kids, his face lights up. A heaviness is lifted from him and he begins to look at maps and google earth. He is completely into the adventure before him. It is fun to see him get so joyful over the thought of taking a hike, of all things. I love pleasing him that way.
“Watching sports on television was definitely something my husband enjoyed before we were married. Sports bar ‘dates’ with the guys during football season were pretty common. Now ten years later, all the buddies have become dads themselves and are too busy to enjoy watching games away from home. When football comes on the TV at home, I usually head for another part of the house in search of a project to keep me busy for a couple of hours. Nothing better than going out shopping on SuperBowl Sunday – the stores are empty! Last week I stayed put and watched a game with him and the boys. A couple of times during the game my husband had to leave the room to take calls from work. He was so surprised to come back into the room each time to 1) find the TV still on (I usually turn it off), 2) the channel hadn’t been changed (the kids usually put on cartoons), and 3) I knew the score! Brownie points for me.”
“My husband use to scuba dive but he hurt his ears and can no longer do that. I asked him about a hike with me and the kids and he LOVED the idea. It was FOUR hours and a pretty strenuous hike. I had our toddler on my back for at least a good 3/4th of the time for safety reasons. My 11 year old loved every minute of it and we brought plenty of food and water. We all enjoyed the great outdoors and it’s something I know we as a family need to do more often…THE GREAT OUTDOORS!”

So – we played like we were in college again last night! I put the kids to bed and then my hubby and I got out the video games and played for 30 minutes or so and then watched a guy movie. He enjoyed himself! And I am enjoying coming up with ideas! Thanks for the great tips and projects Kathy!
My man got sick and layed on the couch all night. I did have dinner ready for him but it was no big deal since his tummy wasn’t feeling good. Hopefully I can hang out with him later in the week or tag that one on to the end of the project.
Today, considering all the rain today, I built a fire for him before he got home from work and I will keep it going until we go to bed. Also, cooking one of his favorite meals, tacos. Little stuff today, but he appreciates it. We may watch a “man movie” if that’s what he wants to do.
My hubs is into poker and blackjack and also loves TV. The evening is super busy for us tonight with soccer practice adn homeowrk, but one the kids are in bed I am going to go down to his “man cave” and see what he wants to – TV, cards, cribbage (which we used to play a lot but I have since forgotten how to play!), whatever! Should shock his socks off!
I planed on going fishing….but it’s gonna rain all day. So I’m going to ask him to teach me to play Texas Hold’m. He loves to play in tournaments. I think he’ll enjoy playing with me. Maybe we could make things a little interesting with our wagers…LOL
My hubby was into SCI-FI shows. I can’t stand them, which he knows. I am going to pop in a DVD of one of his favorites and watch with him. Maybe even pop some popcorn to go with it. I am going to have to work hard at not interrupting with questions and just watch with him.
Since I wont be seeing my husband at all today, I plan on calling him and talking about his creativity in his writing and movie making. I plan on encouraging him to pursue it again.
Since we did this project last night because of today’s rain (we went to the driving range), today I am doing Project #1. When he gets home from work and picking up our oldest I am going to send him to his man cave for 30 minutes and leave the house with the kids so that he can enjoy his man cave time in silence!
TODAY is the DAY! My husband and I have been trying to practice dating again, and today is our date night, and I’m going on this date, no one is going to rush us, and I’m going to get our photo pictures of when we were dating, and talk about all these memories! AWW! I love my husband!
I am always trying to think of new ways to surprise & let my husband know how much I appreciate him. He works so hard for us and in addition, cares for his father( who suffered a severe stroke) after work every week night. That leavees very little “us time”. I drove my daughter to work (to the same hospital where my husband works) and saw my husband’s truck in the parking lot. I stopped by and left a “love note” on his windshield. I got a big hug and kiss when he got home!
Listening to live music is something he really enjoys. We used to look in the local paper to see who was playing live music, but that has fallen by the wayside now that we have four children. I’ll try to get a babysitter and find a local live music venue.
Last night we just sat and watched a couple of shows together. We are usually distracted by a million other things like our computers,facebook, the kids etc. We watched a couple of shows that we like together uninterupted just us. Loved it.
I will be getting home late tonight, but I plan in whipping out hte video games. We used to play often when we first were dating ,but don’t as much. I think he will enjoy this blast from the past.
Today should be an especially good day for my hubby – he gets the two hours to himself while my dd and I are at Bible Study tonight and I plan on coming home and watching the TV show House or Dirty Jobs with him. Two of his favorite shows!
My husband and I used to watch movies together all the time, but we haven’t done it in ages. He also likes to watch football, but usually doesn’t get to with the kids running around. Tonight I’m going to give him the option of watching Monday night football or a movie together.