You are more than half way through the Projects! Give yourself a pat on the back
Win today’s giveaway! Just tell us what you did (or are going to do!) for today’s Project by 7:00 PST on Tuesday and you will be entered into the drawing for today’s prize: Becoming the Woman of His Dreams
So leave your comment below to be entered to win!
While this is the second week of our project, if you have friends who want to join in, let them know that they can jump in any time. You don’t need to have The Husband Project book in order to participate, but you definitely will get more out of this(and be able to plan better) if you read along. You can order it on Amazon or for a special price on my website.
And yesterday’s winner? Sabrina! Please e-mail and she will get it right out to you!
Project #12
Notice the Great Things He Does
Your Project:
Tell your husband something about him that you think is simply great.
Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen (Ephesians 4:29).
What Men Really Need
One of the big things I’ve learned in doing The Husband Project is that for us as wives, giving words of encouragement is one of the hardest Projects we have. Sometimes we get cranky about our husbands not expressing their feelings. However, the backlash I get from Projects that involve encouraging our husbands is that they’re often the most awkward and difficult for us to do.
And, isn’t that just how love is? We’re attracted to the people that are, in many cases, the ones we have to step outside of ourselves, stretch, and feel completely uncomfortable, to meet their needs.
In his book, What Husbands Wish Their Wives Knew About Men, author Patrick Morley shares some keen insight about what men need most:
“After his relationship with God and his family, what gets your husband out of bed in the morning?… What makes him happy?… How is he fulfilled?
Besides a second cup of coffee, your husband longs for his life to count, to matter. At the core of every man boils an intense desire “to do,” to master his world, to shape the course of events. Your husband is made for the task. Yet, not merely task for task’s sake, but task with meaning.”
Some big things you can focus on when encouraging your husband:
· Providing for your family (even if you’re both working outside the home)
· His faithfulness to you
· His leadership in your home
· His parenting abilities
· How he makes you feel about yourself
· His provision of security in your home
Prayer for Today
Dear God, my husband has so many great qualities I can tend to overlook. Let me see him with new eyes today.
Getting Creative
· Keep a 3×5 card in your pocket today. Every time some great quality about your guy comes to mind, make a note of it.
· If you’re having a little trouble coming up with items for your list, ask around. Ask your friends, your mom, your kids – anyone who is a fan of your man can point out all the good stuff.
Project Reports
“This was a Challenge to me today. I was not in the best of moods and feeling very irritable. Because of this project, I tried to put those feelings aside and focus on the things he does do. When he got himself a snack in the afternoon, I said that looks good I think I will have some too. Since the dog was lying with her head in my lap, he said he would get it for me. He does things like that all the time and I do not acknowledge that he does these little things. Therefore, when he came back into the room I not only thanked him but I went a step further and said “Thank-you so much for that, you are always doing such sweet nice things for me.” His response was precious; he started to smile but tried to restrain it and say “you’re welcome.” He said other words but I can not remember them basically he was down playing what he did, but was secretly thrilled for the praise. I need to work on praising him more for the things he does do, and thank-you Kathi for this project in helping us see ourselves more clearly. It also made me not run off with my irritations and instead focus on him.”
“I sent him an e-mail to let him know just how much I appreciate his hard work at providing the money. He works hard so I can stay home with the kids.”

I continuously remind my dd that we need to be happy that Daddy is working so Mommy can stay home and take care of her. This conversation usually occurs while Daddy is at work, I made sure to have this conversation in front of my hubby today.
I’m going to pull him aside this evening and let him know how much I’m thankful to be able to continue to stay at home w/our children through our separation.
I did project 12 early because my wonderful husband helped with our six year olds birthday party Saturday morning after being out the night before for an engagement party. Oh, then he went to “Fall on the Farm”. Oh, then he watched the kids while I made a one day trip to LA and back yesterday. So, I sent him a note about what a wonderful dad he was and how much I loved the way he loved his kids and how he is still my knight. Oh, I got a really nice phone call after he read his e.mail.