LOVED Yesterdays ideas about working together with your man. If you haven’t had a chance to read through them, take a minute and look at all the brilliance y’all have.
Win today’s giveaway! Just tell us what you did (or are going to do!) for today’s Project by 7:00 PST on Sunday and you will be entered into the drawing for today’s prize: Simply Beautiful – Inside and Out
Simply Beautiful
Inside and Out
Make the most of what you’ve got – effortlessly, every day!
* Dress to flatter your figure
* Use color effectively
* Organize the closet with ease
* Choose the right styles and accessories
* Find the right hair style
* Dress for your personality
* Simplify your beauty routine
* Save time and money shopping
* Put together outfits with pizzazz
* Develop a daily meditation time
* Gain a healthy self image
* Experience real joy
So leave your comment below to be entered to win!
While this is the first week of our project, if you have friends who want to join in, let them know that they can jump in any time. You don’t need to have The Husband Project book in order to participate, but you definitely will get more out of this(and be able to plan better) if you read along. You can order it on Amazon or for a special price on my website.
And yesterday’s winner? Tracy! Please e-mail and she will get it right out to you!
Project #10
Dress to Impress
Something Just for Him
Your Project:
Wear something just for him. You can go buy something, or pick an item you already own. He doesn’t need to know what you’re doing – you know, and that will change a little something inside of you.
Not Just About the Clothes
There was a time in the not too distant past where I was ponytail crazy. Between hitting the gym, running kids to school and activities, and oh, trying to produce an income to feed and shelter four teenagers, my hair was the last thing on my to-do list. It was enough work just getting to my stylist, Franc, once a month to guarantee that I remained a redhead.
The problem was, I knew that Roger hated my convenient hairstyle of choice. He said that he loved it when I wore my hair down, loose, and curly.
That’s when the inner dialog started. Perhaps you’re familiar with this little speech:
OK – fine, I get it. He likes my hair down (when I wear skirts, when I wear jeans instead of sweats, when I wear blue…) doesn’t he understand that it takes time to do all that “girly” stuff? Oh sure, I could be perfectly done-up if I had a stylist and a make-up crew. All he has to do is throw on a pair on clean jeans and make sure there is no visible nose hair. Who does he think he is? Well if he helped out more with stuff around the house, then maybe I would have time to look like I didn’t just roll out of bed… I cannot believe how selfish he is!
All this because he told me how pretty I looked with my hair down.
Poor guy.
Our husbands like being married to women. Not that we have to be dressed in Laura Ashley, looking like an extra from Little House on the Prairie in a flowered smocking dress, just like a girl. In fact, I get more compliments from my guy when I am wearing my leather jacket and favorite jeans than when I get all “dolled up.” He just loves when I make the effort to look like my full time job is something other ditch digger.
Wearing my hair loose and curly, wearing his favorite color, or the necklace that he gave me last Christmas is just a little something to let him know that I ‘m thinking about him and care about his opinion.
Do a Little Research
Do you already know what your husband loves to see you in? If not, it may be time to do a little investigating, or even outright ask him.
The challenge here is that when you ask him, you also need to be prepared to listen to what he says. If you’re not willing to listen when he’s brave enough to tell you that he’s not a huge fan of the sweater with the feathers on it, then you need to respect him enough to stop wearing the sweater.
To ask, and then ignore, his opinion, is much worse than never asking at all.
Beauty Without Vanity
Subconsciously, women may wrestle with wearing nice clothes or doing your hair and make-up because of feeling undeserving of such an Extreme Makeover wardrobe. Or, perhaps, it’s a struggle because we might consider ourselves unspiritual or self-absorbed if we spend too much time on looking good.
I love how Jill Swanson, author of Simply Beautiful, Inside and Out, opens up her book talking about “Beauty Without Vanity”:
“Balancing beauty with humility is an ongoing struggle for today’s woman. None of us want to appear vogue on the outside and vague on the inside. If we were to be honest with ourselves, we would all like to look the best we can. Clothing and appearance affect how we feel and think about ourselves. They can lift our spirits and help give us confidence to face the real world.
The body is God’s handiwork. We have a responsibility to take care of it and to present ourselves in a way that will compliment the
Prayer for Today
Dear God, I pray my husband knows he’s special to me in every way – that he is worth the extra effort.
Getting Creative
· Is your husband a sports fan? Maybe the sexiest thing you could wear is a t-shirt with his team’s logo on it.
· The next time you’re shopping, start to think about your husband’s favorite color. Chances are it is blue – lucky us! There is a shade of blue that looks great on everyone. Make sure to mention that you bought it with him in mind.
Project Reports
“I had bought a new shirt a few weeks ago. Every time I wear it he says “I like that shirt” or “That shirts looks nice” so I wore that shirt today, occasionally throughout the day I remember his comments and feel more confident. He did not say anything this time, but he has said it enough a few times before so I know how he feels.”
Today I will wear a pair of gold earrings my husband gave me. The card that he wrote when he gave them to me read “I love you more each day.” So I call them my “I love you more each day earrings.” (I’m not real creative!) He is impressed that I remember what he had written on the card.

Well this one was kind of easy. I took my friend out to go clothes shopping. It was night to have another persons opinion or ideas of what looks good. She helped me find some great outfits. I put one of them on and he loved it so much that we ended up jumping to the bonus day. It was the best we have had in a long while.
Hmmmm…my hubby has said he wishes I would dress more “girly” and also try a new hairstyle besides a ponytail. I need to pull out the makeup too…
I’m pretty good at this one, having done THP before 🙂 But I do have a shirt I’m saving for his basketball teams first day on Wednesday. He tried to buy me one once when we went to a game… it’s orange…but knowing he’ll love it it good enough!
We’ve been married awhile so I try to dress to please my honey. He likes me not to wear much make up and dress casual. After reading Kathi’s intro, I think I will be bold and ask him what he would like to see me in. Truth be told…”nothing!”
My hubby likes me more casual so I try a few times a week to wear jeans, a t-shirt and no makeup. This isn’t my normal way of dressing so it makes him happy. I will make a point to wear what he calls “real shoes” no sandals etc, only tennis shoes today!
My husband does not give compliments at all so it is hard to say what he likes. I frankly cannot remember him ever complimenting me on my clothes or hair without being prompted (“Do I look OK?” “Yeah, you look nice.” ugh. nice.) That being said I bought a t-shirt that has “My Husband Rocks” across the front. While he has never said anything about it I am sure he at least noticed it and hopefully wearing that will give him a little boost! Not to mention how sexy is it when a lady wears her husband’s button-down shirt or favorite jersey with little else than a smile! ooh-la-la!
I can do this after being sick and still sick. I’ve been in my way too comfy clothes for to long. I think it will be a win win for the both of us. I will be pleasing to his eyes and I can lift my spirits at the same time.
Okay, I put on a sixties mini skirt outfit and we went to a party. Just the two of us. We had a great time being a couple for an evening.