Hi friends. It has been a busy week here at the condo as I am speaking six times in the next couple of weeks all over N. CA. So I have been a bit quite on the blog, but in other places, you just can’t shut me up.

Yesterday I was a guest on Dr. Carolyn Miller’s Getting Good at Life. If you would like to hear the interview (where, besides all that getting good at life stuff, I talk about Freezer Cooking!) you can listen here.



And, for all my friends who have ever come up to me and said, “I wanna be a speaker when I grow up.” I want to let you know that I have a monthly blog column on the CAN (Christian Authors Network) about speaking as a writer. If you go check it out and make a comment there or here, I will put you in a drawing for the booklet 5 Steps to Kick Start Your Speaking Career. (I will draw names on Monday and announce on Tuesday!)

This is only for my blog readers, so make sure you let me know you read the blog (cause I can’t help it, I love y’all best.)