When it comes to emergency preparedness, I am a slacker.
Yes, I may have 42 meals in my freezer, but a fat lot of good that is going to do me if there is an earthquake (did I mention that I live in California,) and we lose power.
And I have to say that I haven’t always been the most prepared person on the block. Once, I had gone to a MOPS group where they made emergency car kits. (I will give you the list on Monday if you want to do this with a group of your own. Kind of like a Freezer Meal Swap but with bandaides and tongue depressers.) One of the items in the kit was a sanitary napkin – great for pressing against a head injury.
When I explained the purpose of the pad to my son Justen, his response was, “Promise me you will just let me bleed to death…”
Apparently, my kids are not always safety first, either.
So I am going to spend the next couple of weeks working on my disaster prep. Wanna do it with me?
I will give you lists of what you need to have on hand, great links and ideas from the best in the business to be prepared for everything from earthquakes to the latest on what you should have for the swine flu.
Don’t worry. I’m not panicing, but we all need to Amodia AD on hand anyway, right?
Starting on Monday, I will be getting my plan together and share it with you.
Let’s be safety girls!

after having 3 kids & living in Ca all my life you’d think I’d have something prepared! I don’t! I’m looking forward to the this.
I’m in with you! We used up most of our emergency preps before our move and I need to get back in gear. I had to go to the store today because I had no extra bottled water and no catsup (that’s really bad for my food storage area).
Oooh, I like this!! My husband jokingly made fun of me when I put together an earthquake kit after moving to CA, and then a week later we had our first earthquake…he realized that it was wise to be prepared. I am looking foward to the tips!
Sounds fun! I would love the list to do with my MOPS group! Thanks!
– Gena – you can say rear here, but in my book, I could not say the word butt and I could not have a subtitle that contained the word lingerie.
So I feel a great sense of freedom to be able to say BUTT!!!
Great idea, Miss Kathi! I always have good intentions, but am still unprepared, so I look forward to taking part. Thanks for the kick in the rear (uh, is it okay to say that on here?) 🙂
In honor of National Preparedness Month, the Ad Council and FEMA are launching a new series of public service advertisements on behalf of the Ready Campaign. [http://www.ready.gov/]
The goal of the Ready Campaign is to get the public involved and ultimately to increase the level of basic preparedness across the nation. Ready is nationwide effort to encourage Americans to take simple steps to prepare for emergencies in their homes, businesses and schools.
The campaign asks individuals to:
(1) get an emergency supply kit
(2) make a family emergency plan
(3) be informed about the different types of emergencies that could occur and their appropriate responses
I thought you might be interested in sharing this important information with your readers. Here is an interactive widget you can embed on your blog that provides updates on emergency situations, emergency kit checklists, and preparedness guidelines: http://seed.sproutbuilder.com/vgA3Qu3yD0Rq3Krh
Your readers also might be interested in using this interactive emergency family plan tool: http://ready.adcouncil.org/beprepared/
Please let me know if you have any questions or need additional information. Thanks for your help in spreading this important message and encouraging your readers to be prepared!
Kathi, this is a great idea. Last year, when Hurricane Ike hit Houston; I was extremely unprepared. Thank God, my lights and water only stopped working for two days; there were some who went without lights for weeks.
Finding food and water was even a dilemma. I remember going to the grocery store to buy a copy of items on the day after the storm. It looked like the store was just opening, the shelves were so empty. Somehow I managed to find a bag of potatoes stuffed under a vegetable stand. Fried potato tacos it was!