Here is your chance to win the pair of books – Romancing Your Husband and Romancing Your Wife both by Debra White Smith.
Just leave a comment about why your mate rocks and you will be entered in the drawing to win!
on July 7, 2009 at 8:07 am
Watching my husbands obedience to the Lord as he leads our family has inspired me more than any sermon or Bible Study. I love watching him seek the Lord on a daily basis for work, parenting and leading us! He is my inspiaration and leader. (I want to add that the is the sexiest man on earth too)
After growing up with absolutely no positive male role models in my family, my husband is a stark contrast to what examples I saw as a girl (praise Jesus!)
Not only does he *have a job,* but he loves his job. And he keeps a really good balance between the work and family, never working too late during the week, or on Sundays so that we can spend time as a family of 4 together.
He is responsible, educated, and hardly ever ever drinks and never ever swears.
We celebrate 5 years of marriage this August. I still love him the same as I did then!
My husband rocks because he married me (and loves me) and took on the responsibility of being a step dad and spiritual leader (of our family) even though I came with two kids–One of which is mentally challenged and blind. And my beautiful daughter who is married and has two adorable girls (yep, my grand daughters)…and he was only 30 years old….yep-10 years younger than me. As a mom myself…I would say RUN!!! RUN BABY RUN!!! But he didn’t …he stuck with me and continues to love me and show great leadership in our family. We’ve been married for 6 years and he has shown true leadership (and love) in our home.
My husband rocks because he know just when I’m going to “SNAP” because we haven’t spent enough quality time (my love language) together (he works full time and goes to school fulltime too) and sets up a wonderful night out for us (ok. at a downtown hotel….yeah, we live downtown, too) so that we can be out of our house away from computers, paperwork, laundry..etc…and so he can focus on me.
My husband ROCKS because he continues to seek God wisdom in everything he does.
My husband ROCKS because he knows who he is…..a child of God.
You know me – I want to make a sarcastic comment…but wow – I am truly moved by these men being described! If these guys are 1/2 the men that was written, they would still ROCK!
Dale rocks (if you know what I mean) because he loves me as the *verb*. I can be pretty – um…very difficult to live with, and he sticks by me. Even when I say bad words (and oh, I do). At the end of the day, and the beginning of the next, I still look at him and get a flutter in my heart, knowing I am married to my best friend. I actually pray that we live long, healthy lives, and that when it’s time, we die together in our sleep. (how very Notebook) Not out of morbidity, but because neither one of us wants to be left without the other. (and what a peaceful way to go!) *sigh*
My husband rocks because he is a man after God’s own heart! He strives to live and lead with the heart of Christ. He works hard to provide for our family and still makes quality time for me and our daughter. He is a deacon in our church, sings in the choir, serves in the nursery and teaches our couples S. School class. He is strong and masculine, yet loving and sensitive! I just can’t get enough of him!
Chris rocks because he rides the waves of having lots of women in his life (2 ex-wives, 5 daughters and ME). Amen for our little son otherwise hew would have to talk to our female dog about his life. He listens and knows when to let me slide and when to call me on my stuff and I appreciate that a lot.
My husband rocks just because he’s mine 🙂 Ever Sunday morning, while I’m starting to get a little stressed over the time while I’m making breakfast in my frumpy PJ’s (well, not so so frumpy, but kid friendly, thank you very much Husband Project!) and ratty hair he always always tells me how beautiful I am. And I think he actually means it!
Last week he helped me in the nursery at church and we had 14, that’s right FOURTEEN screaming slobbery one year olds. I was feeling slightly overwhelmed but he was smooth as could be and actually enjoyed it all. He is one amazing man and I am so thankful God saw fit to join us together.
Where do I begin? My husband rocks because he is a gift from God chosen for me and my children. He realizes this and strives every day to prove that he is worthy for God to bestow us to him. From spending time with his wife and children on the floor playing board games to getting us all out of the house in time to worship our Lord on Sunday mornings to setting examples to our children, our family, and our friends that he is a Godly man. He takes his role as a Son of God/Soul mate/Friend/Uncle/Father/brother very seriously and I love him more for this reason. Even when he comes home exhausted or upset that something didn’t happen right at work he puts on a smile for his family until we have all had our time with him and then he will sit down and talk about it. He not only loves us but he admires us and shows it by making us feel like we are a blessing to him, even when we aren’t. 😀 Rob Hunt rocks!
O.K, My husband is truly the most awesome man!He rocks all the time!He is a gentle man who never critical of me in all my weaknesses. He has been through so much with me due to abuse from my childhood.He has always held me, and listened to me, in sadness and gotten me through some tough times in my life.He is a God fearing man with high morals and character.Our friends and family all respect who he is and what he stands for. He works hard to provide for our family and lets me, stay home and care for the children.He always helps out even when he is dead tired from a long day.When he is under a lot of stress (which is big right now,due to the economy) he tries to leave it at work and come home to just enjoy his time with his family!He is amazing in the strength God has given him. He makes me strive to be a better person daily!He is Loved!
My husband Dave is the best because he is kind, generous, and very patient all wrapped in being an incredible provider and having a great sense of humor. He knowingly took on my four young children as his own and became a great father and dad to them now for over 10 years. It’s safe to say that I didn’t just come with a little baggage, but more like a cargo ship and he has graciously loved us with all his heart, asking for nothing in return. He is my best friend, my favorite person to hang out with, and the love of my life. He makes me feel like he worships the air that I breathe and the ground that I walk on. He totally ROCKS my cargo ship!
My husband, David, is amazing because he loves me unconditionally and sticks with me through the really tough times. It truly grieves him when I am disappointed or if he knows he dropped the ball. He takes rebuking with such grace and is quick to admit when he is being prideful. I know that he loves me more everyday and puts my happiness ahead of his own. He is my partner and with God’s promise of grace we will be together forever.
My husband is the best because he truly is the Head of our household. He leads us with kindness and gentleness, always being concerned with my wants and needs. He protects me physically, emotionally and spiritually. He understands my selfish emotions of jealousy regarding his time and attentions and doesn’t let that fester into a problem. He regularly spends time with me alone — doing things we enjoy. He makes conscious efforts to find romantic things and activities for us to do. He is truly a gift from God to me. He loves God, loves me and loves my children, first snd foremost. It is his loving heart and right priorities that make me shake in my booties.
He encourages me to take care of myself and leads me into being a better person — both physically and spiritually.
Watching my husbands obedience to the Lord as he leads our family has inspired me more than any sermon or Bible Study. I love watching him seek the Lord on a daily basis for work, parenting and leading us! He is my inspiaration and leader. (I want to add that the is the sexiest man on earth too)
After growing up with absolutely no positive male role models in my family, my husband is a stark contrast to what examples I saw as a girl (praise Jesus!)
Not only does he *have a job,* but he loves his job. And he keeps a really good balance between the work and family, never working too late during the week, or on Sundays so that we can spend time as a family of 4 together.
He is responsible, educated, and hardly ever ever drinks and never ever swears.
We celebrate 5 years of marriage this August. I still love him the same as I did then!
My husband rocks because he married me (and loves me) and took on the responsibility of being a step dad and spiritual leader (of our family) even though I came with two kids–One of which is mentally challenged and blind. And my beautiful daughter who is married and has two adorable girls (yep, my grand daughters)…and he was only 30 years old….yep-10 years younger than me. As a mom myself…I would say RUN!!! RUN BABY RUN!!! But he didn’t …he stuck with me and continues to love me and show great leadership in our family. We’ve been married for 6 years and he has shown true leadership (and love) in our home.
My husband rocks because he know just when I’m going to “SNAP” because we haven’t spent enough quality time (my love language) together (he works full time and goes to school fulltime too) and sets up a wonderful night out for us (ok. at a downtown hotel….yeah, we live downtown, too) so that we can be out of our house away from computers, paperwork, laundry..etc…and so he can focus on me.
My husband ROCKS because he continues to seek God wisdom in everything he does.
My husband ROCKS because he knows who he is…..a child of God.
as long as YOU all know that I know, then it’s ok..
ok, i’m done now
and yes, i am aware that my grammar sucks above. sorry
You know me – I want to make a sarcastic comment…but wow – I am truly moved by these men being described! If these guys are 1/2 the men that was written, they would still ROCK!
Dale rocks (if you know what I mean) because he loves me as the *verb*. I can be pretty – um…very difficult to live with, and he sticks by me. Even when I say bad words (and oh, I do). At the end of the day, and the beginning of the next, I still look at him and get a flutter in my heart, knowing I am married to my best friend. I actually pray that we live long, healthy lives, and that when it’s time, we die together in our sleep. (how very Notebook) Not out of morbidity, but because neither one of us wants to be left without the other. (and what a peaceful way to go!) *sigh*
My husband rocks because he is a man after God’s own heart! He strives to live and lead with the heart of Christ. He works hard to provide for our family and still makes quality time for me and our daughter. He is a deacon in our church, sings in the choir, serves in the nursery and teaches our couples S. School class. He is strong and masculine, yet loving and sensitive! I just can’t get enough of him!
Chris rocks because he rides the waves of having lots of women in his life (2 ex-wives, 5 daughters and ME). Amen for our little son otherwise hew would have to talk to our female dog about his life. He listens and knows when to let me slide and when to call me on my stuff and I appreciate that a lot.
Thanks for listening,
Heidi Holm
My husband rocks because he stands by me…even when I’m behaving in not nice ways.
My husband rocks because he loves to cook…i said LOVES to cook! I never have to make anything and LOVE it. I love to clean, so it works out well!
My husband rocks just because he’s mine 🙂 Ever Sunday morning, while I’m starting to get a little stressed over the time while I’m making breakfast in my frumpy PJ’s (well, not so so frumpy, but kid friendly, thank you very much Husband Project!) and ratty hair he always always tells me how beautiful I am. And I think he actually means it!
Last week he helped me in the nursery at church and we had 14, that’s right FOURTEEN screaming slobbery one year olds. I was feeling slightly overwhelmed but he was smooth as could be and actually enjoyed it all. He is one amazing man and I am so thankful God saw fit to join us together.
Where do I begin? My husband rocks because he is a gift from God chosen for me and my children. He realizes this and strives every day to prove that he is worthy for God to bestow us to him. From spending time with his wife and children on the floor playing board games to getting us all out of the house in time to worship our Lord on Sunday mornings to setting examples to our children, our family, and our friends that he is a Godly man. He takes his role as a Son of God/Soul mate/Friend/Uncle/Father/brother very seriously and I love him more for this reason. Even when he comes home exhausted or upset that something didn’t happen right at work he puts on a smile for his family until we have all had our time with him and then he will sit down and talk about it. He not only loves us but he admires us and shows it by making us feel like we are a blessing to him, even when we aren’t. 😀 Rob Hunt rocks!
O.K, My husband is truly the most awesome man!He rocks all the time!He is a gentle man who never critical of me in all my weaknesses. He has been through so much with me due to abuse from my childhood.He has always held me, and listened to me, in sadness and gotten me through some tough times in my life.He is a God fearing man with high morals and character.Our friends and family all respect who he is and what he stands for. He works hard to provide for our family and lets me, stay home and care for the children.He always helps out even when he is dead tired from a long day.When he is under a lot of stress (which is big right now,due to the economy) he tries to leave it at work and come home to just enjoy his time with his family!He is amazing in the strength God has given him. He makes me strive to be a better person daily!He is Loved!
My husband Dave is the best because he is kind, generous, and very patient all wrapped in being an incredible provider and having a great sense of humor. He knowingly took on my four young children as his own and became a great father and dad to them now for over 10 years. It’s safe to say that I didn’t just come with a little baggage, but more like a cargo ship and he has graciously loved us with all his heart, asking for nothing in return. He is my best friend, my favorite person to hang out with, and the love of my life. He makes me feel like he worships the air that I breathe and the ground that I walk on. He totally ROCKS my cargo ship!
My husband, David, is amazing because he loves me unconditionally and sticks with me through the really tough times. It truly grieves him when I am disappointed or if he knows he dropped the ball. He takes rebuking with such grace and is quick to admit when he is being prideful. I know that he loves me more everyday and puts my happiness ahead of his own. He is my partner and with God’s promise of grace we will be together forever.
Because he took me on a fabulous mini-vacation this past weekend and paid for all of it! 🙂
My Husbands ROCKS cause after he works a 10 hr day he comes home and without being asked he helps out.
My husband is the best because he truly is the Head of our household. He leads us with kindness and gentleness, always being concerned with my wants and needs. He protects me physically, emotionally and spiritually. He understands my selfish emotions of jealousy regarding his time and attentions and doesn’t let that fester into a problem. He regularly spends time with me alone — doing things we enjoy. He makes conscious efforts to find romantic things and activities for us to do. He is truly a gift from God to me. He loves God, loves me and loves my children, first snd foremost. It is his loving heart and right priorities that make me shake in my booties.
He encourages me to take care of myself and leads me into being a better person — both physically and spiritually.
My husband, Paul, cooks and cleans the house when I am tired or not feeling well and treats me like I am the most beautiful woman on earth.