As the 30-Day Eat at Home Challenge is not so quickly coming to an end, (which I will be updating you on tomorrow,) I realize that I totally shot myself in the foot. All of my books and projects are based on 21 days – I was kept from my frozen yogurt for 9 days longer than I needed to be. Drat.

Well, I won’t be making that mistake on my next Project – the Get Rid of It Project.

Starting on Monday, June 22nd, I will be spending 21 days getting rid of the excess stuff in my house. Between donating things, giving them away to friends, recycling and in desperate cases, throwing it away, I will be going room to room (sorry, avoiding the teenagers rooms – personal safety and all that,) getting rid of what we don’t need, want or what we have too much of.

So here is my question: Would you like to join me?

Would you like to be able to walk from the front door of the house to the kitchen without tripping over 2 years of InStyle Magazines?

Would you like to be able to find the bills and pay them on time?

Would you like to actually know what is in the storage boxes in the garage?

If you would like to be held accountable and cheered on by your cyber friends, leave a comment in today’s comments.

Of course there will be great giveaways and guest experts to keep us motivated along the way – so join me in losing a few pounds (of stuff.)
