You thought you were safe. You thought we were going to stay in nice easy non-personal spaces for getting rid of stuff; like your underwear drawer. You were wrong.


So now it gets personal.


Let me ask you a question: How crammed is your inbox?


When it comes to this time-saving technology, for me it can be as overwhelming as a messy room.


I receive between 40-100 emails a day in my main mailbox. (I have a yahoo account for things I have signed up for and loops.) Those are e-mails that, for the most part, that I need to respond to. It can get a tad overwhelming. But this week I got it down to Zero! Whoo – hoo and neiner neiner.


And yes – I am working on my Christ-like attitude thank you very much…


If you are overwhelmed by your inbox, could you get rid of 21 e-mails today? Once you start, you can’t stop. It’s addicting.

Case in point: here is my screen today. Isn’t it pretty?!?

I got it that way yesterday, and then tweeted on Twitter that I had my inbox to zero. (And maybe I was a tad self-righteous…)

That is when my obnoxious (loving) friends started bombarding me with e-mails so it would no longer be empty.


If you need some step-by-step help in the inbox area, look at this great post from Michael Hyatt about staying on top of e-mail: Michael Hyatt’s Blog Especially helpful for those of us running a business or involved in some kind of ministry.

So start responding and deleting! Put a post in the comments so that we can celebrate your lighter box together.