For all of you living in the Bay Area: I will be having a book signing for The Husband Project at the Barnes and Noble in The Pruneyard in Campbell on Saturday, June27th at 12:00 – 1:30 PM Of course my goal will be to make this as much fun as possible, giving away lots of goodies (can you say Victoria Secret anyone?) food and fun.

Even if you already have a copy of the book I would love to see you, sign your book and feed you something yummy.

Plus – there is no plaza cuter than The Pruneyard. I used to work at Trudy’s Brides and Tuxedo Junction, so I spent many of my formative (ie dating) years at the Yard. It will be just like coming home.

Hope I will see you there! (Oh and guys are welcome – remember, there will be cookies!)

The Husband Project

DATE: Saturday, June 27

TIME: 12:00 – 1:30 PM


Barnes & Noble

Pruneyard Shopping Center

1875 S. Bascom Avenue

Campbell, CA 95008
Ph: 408-559-8101