We are starting week 3 of our challenge of not eating at restaurants except for business/giftcards. Here is our official total:
Number of Days on the Challenge: 14
Number of times we have eaten at restaurants with a gift card: 3 (two times at Starbucks with my son Justen for our weekly date, one time with Roger at Outback for his birthday).
Number of Cheats since the Challenge started: 1 (I was doing announcements at church today and while I got a free coffee from the café and brought my own banana from home, I forgot to bring a bottle of water from home.)
Amount of personal finances spent on eating out since the challenge started: $1
Biggest realization since the challenge started: Bottled water at church is expensive.
Amount of weight lost by me and Roger since eating at home: 7 pounds
Thing I have missed the most since starting the challenge: Starbucks and drive thru Diet Cokes.
Best new recipe: Portobello Pizzas. (Much like the recipe that Roger published last week, but with sausage and pepperoni – yummy.)
You have done extremely well….pat yourself on the back !