Isn’t it amazing how bad, really bad habits can sneak up on you?
Two years ago, I was doing fine. No, I was doing better than fine, I was doing great.
I had dropped over 60 pounds, was eating healthier than I ever had in my life, and exercising on a very regular basis.
Fast forward 2 years and you can find me sitting on my living room couch eating bowlfuls of popcorn while watching The Biggest Loser.
Oh, and those 60 pounds I lost? I was able to locate a bunch of them.
Many factors contributed to my backsliding, way too numerous (and embarrassing) to go into here. But one of the chief ones was my need for easy.
- “It would just be easier to drive-thru instead of cooking tonight.”
- “I don’t have time to workout.” (but apparently I had time to watch the Real Housewives of New York City)
- “I just bought the frozen pizza – I thought it would be easier.”
- “I worked hard today, I don’t want to go for a walk. Let’s just relax tonight.”
The problem is easier has made me gain weight and left me feeling run down. Oh and chest pains? So not sexy.
So things around our house are going to get a whole lot less easy.
Starting today, with a few exceptions*, Roger and I are not going to be eating out, picking up, driving thru for the next 30 days.
Now for some of you that would be no big deal. For me, this is a major change in lifestyle. I am guessing, between Starbucks runs, lunches out with Roger, hitting the frozen yogurt store, and drive thru Diet Cokes, I probably hit some kind of eating establishment 2-3 times a day.
Wow, it was really embarrassing to write that sentence.
Not only have we taken a hit in the waistline, this is an obvious money drain that we needed to plug up.
We are not doing this to create some new kind of reality show, we are doing thing to put some mindfulness back into our eating and spending. We are not looking for perfection from ourselves, but a change in the speed in our lives. (That being said, if any of you care to keep me accountable, I will be happy to post any of my missteps/victories here.)
*So, here are our rules/exceptions:
- No personal money will be spent on eating out. If it is not a business expense or we don’t have a giftcard, it ain’t happening.
- Previous Engagements Eating engagements already set up (one at Starbucks with my friend Dina,) along with my weekly date with my son, Justen, will be kept – but I will only use gift cards I already have to eat there. (I will be ordering a lot of drip coffee…)
- Business Stuff Roger and I have a weekly lunch meeting to go over ministry stuff. Also, I write with friends at a coffee shop twice a week and need to order something so I don’t get arrested for vagrancy. If Roger or I need to meet someone for business, this is OK – we will just talk with each other first (being mindful and all.)
So one of the ramifications of this is I am going to start cooking again. My freezer meals have been woefully low for a while and it is time to ramp them back up.
So I am looking for two kinds of comments today:
- Is there something in your life that you are looking to be more mindful about? Eating, spending time with your kids? Exercising? And if so, what are you doing about it?
- Do you have a great summertime recipe that I should try? I would love some with lots of veggies as we are trying to be healthier.
A commenter will be randomly chosen to win The Frozen Gourmet (just in case your goal is to eat at home – or not to stand in the middle of Safeway every night saying “What am I going to make for dinner.”
I just wanted to say I admire you for taking this challenge. I’ve just recently decided to cook more of our meals instead of eating out, but haven’t committed to ALL meals! 🙂
One of my favorite easy-to-make meals is Lasagna Rolls
And another one I just discovered recently is Mexican Lasagna
More power to you & Roger! ~ Amelia
As a cancer patient and survivor, I am always looking for wonderful and healthy receipes. I’ve been on a fish, chicken, vegetable, and yep, hamburger/taco kick. I have really been craving pasta and tuna. So am going to attempt to spell out my current pasta dish, I just love:
Use any pasta you like, but thin spaghetti is best,should feed 4.
Package Pasta
1 large lemon, or 2 small lemons
1/2 cup fresh Italian parsley (more flavor)
1/4 tsp. garlic powder or garlic salt
1/4 tsp. lemon pepper
1/2 Parmasean cheese
1/2 cup feta cheese (optional)
1/3 cup virgin olive oil (or enough to wet pasta-remember you can add pasta water if you need to make wetter)
Cook and drain pasta. Put pasta in large bowl and add all other ingredients. I usually grate some lemon zest along with all the juice of lemons, in pasta. Mix all together and taste. If not seasoned properly for you, adjust accordingly. I find that sprinkling more parm on top after mixing, is always ok. Serve immediately. In place of salad I usually slice some tomatoes.
This dish is yummy, healthy and cheap. Bon Appetit!!!!!!!!
P.S. I won Kathi’s “Frozen Gourmet” a few weeks ago and it is fabulous!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks Kathi!!!!!! Love you!!!!!!!
Good for BOTH of you! I began a diet myself four weeks ago called “Transitions”, teaching about the right way to balance your food to optimize your glycemic index (and thus improve insulin levels, lose weight more effectively, etc.) – a way to “live” and eat. It’s forced me into – gasp – longer-range planning and daily prep & cooking that I haven’t done in ages. Now in week 4, I can say it’s now operationalized. Crockpot chili, lentil soup, eggplant “lasagna”, fajita salads, stir fry and BBQ everything – it’s all good,and I’m influencing the hubby somewhat too! Good luck, you’ll do this easily!
Kathi, I’m totally with you here. We’ve already vastly cut down our Starbux trips and found some awesome locally-roasted coffee beans that we love, so we brew great coffee at home. We don’t eat out much (hubby prefers my cooking!) BUT he is gone at dinnertime 10-12 days a month, and that’s when it gets bad… the kids and I usually have pizza or something similar. This has got to change! Yesterday Brian was at work, it was just me and the kids, but you inspired me and I actually went outside and grilled some chicken breasts! Thanks for the motivation. I’m putting my family on your 30-day challenge.
Ok – so I was thinking about transparency when you wrote this and I really appreciate yours, Kathy. Now, my family – being so broke we’re about to lose our house HAS to survive on food I make – so food isn’t our problem, necessarily. But what I was thinking about was the need to stop feeding my carnal nature – which, really, is what any bad habit is all about. I love to feed on anger. I just run to it any chance I get. I may not drive through any retail establishment on a regular 2-3 times a day basis, but I certainly “drive-through” my favorite McTemper too many times a day. SO while you try to tame your tummy, I’ll be working on starving my little anger monster. Pray for me – and I’ll be praying for you!
Use a crock pot/slow cooker. It makes cooking so easy. There are lots of slow cooker recipe books out there. My favorite are the “5 ingredient recipes” or the “fix-it and forget it” books.
Hi Kathi!!!
Boy oh boy can I relate to your situation!!!! I, too, have put on a “few” pounds over the last year and it is so frustrating!!!! I had to chuckle when I read that you watched the Real Houswives of New York City and Long Beach or wherever the southern California one is….. So here is my committment, less TV, more water, more fresh veggies and fruit and only eat when I am HUNGRY not when I am angry, sad, frustrated, stressed or happy. (Better get on my knees and start praying now because I can’t do ANY of those things on my own)!
Be blessed today and every day!!
oh boy. my issue. does it ever end? I KNOW why heaven is going to be good. This weight issue will be over!!!
Hey Kathi –
Thank you for putting this idea out there, and on FB (that’s where I read it). I agree, as do so many others, with all of your reasonings and justifications – both the good and the bad. I have lost the weight and then put it back on, and I am miserable. I have the equipment at home, as well as a dog to walk (which I grudgingly do every night), and actually a pretty good brain – so why I am not doing anything?
I was so sure that with the hubs gone for three months, I would turn into a svelte creature that he would not recognize when I pick him up at SFO, but alas, it has not happened yet, and we’re almost halfway through the three months.
Today – I will stop watching Bethany on “Real Housewives”, and take my own steps to becoming a “Skinny Girl”. Maybe I’ll stop watching as much…. Maybe I’ll lift handweights while I’m watching….
You rock.
Hi Kathi!
Thanks for being so honest and helping the rest of us get inspired! I have a fast, delicious recipe I found online a couple weeks ago. It’s an Asian Chicken Salad Dish; my family loves it and I’ve even made it for guests! Try this, it’s great for hot summer days: Also, if you make a lot, you can use it in wraps for lunch… I send them with my husband to work too!
You spoke at my MOPS meeting the other week at Adventure Church. We honestly feel you could do stand up! I bought three of your books (one for me and two for friends) and ended up giving them all to friends that I thought could benefit from The Husband Project. My friends and I are pretty transparent and honest, so no feeling were hurt during this exercise 😉 My MOPS table and I are ALL doing the project to keep each other acountable as you suggested. All that being said, I need to order two more…
Krista Steinmetz
We met at Hillside Church’s retreat where you spoke this spring. I was the one on guitar. That was a fun weekend. I’m still trying to implement some of your great ideas, so thanks. I’m a work in progress too!!
Replying to your e-mail regarding eating and home-cooking is my passion. If you were to learn how read labels (I’m talking about the fine print, the part that lists the INGREDIENTS) instead of the “Nutrition Facts,” you may just be grossed out enough to want to make your own food more often than not. (The “nutrition facts” in big print is there to distract you from noticing WHAT you are eating, and gives the impression that the food statistics are more important than its quality). When we “get it” that WHAT we ingest actually makes a huge difference in our energy, health, and subsequently our weight, it’s a big motivator for us to eat our own stuff. This includes making salad dressings from scratch, using fresh or at least organic dried herbs and spices (that have not had all their God-given health properties contaminated and irradiated out of them). I’m also particular about my other ingredients, that they are fresh local, free-range, grass-fed (ground beef from Linardi’s is the BEST), and organic whenever possible. Beyond that, Dr. Mercola of has a system of “Nutritional Typing” that helps us find out WHAT foods are best for OUR fuel needs, as this is individual and based on our genes and health status. Once learned, we can eat less more easily, because we are satisfied and energized. Also, a basic rule of thumb is “Let’s Assume God Knew What He Was Doing When He Gave Us FOOD.” Eat real. The fake stuff is counterfeit and harmful. Yes it really is. So THINK ABOUT whether margarine or cottonseed oil or Splenda could possibly be from God. Not. Even though I don’t get enough exercise and am 54, my weight is (reasonably though not perfectly) managed primarily by eating quality, and minimizing processed foods and additives, which is in over 80% of normal grocery store food. I don’t diet against weight, I eat for health (& pleasure). Health is our real goal, the weight is just an indicator. (I also like to believe I contribute to my family’s health by nourishing them, not just filling them up, and our good health and energy indicate I am on the right track). Home-made usually tastes better anyway!!
A couple of tips: I love my “new” Cuisinart Smart-Stick (but I wish I’d got the one you can charge up, so I would not have to drag around it’s power cord). This emersion blender helps me make salad dressings, soups, personal sized smoothies, as well as mix up (pre-scrambled) eggs. I also recently purchased a juicer (Omega 8003) which gets almost daily use. Fresh juice (apple, orange, or vegetable) is head-and shoulders superior to anything store-bought (all is pasteurized a mere shadow of it’s former self).
Homemade Ranch Dressing (keeps quite a while in the refrigerator and is delicious, without the fake and artificials in Hidden Valley. NO! MIXING UP PACKETS OF DRESSING MIX IS NOT “HOMEMADE!”) Most people love this; good condiments help us digest our food and of course makes them more palatable and therefore satisfying and satiating. Also, the dressing should be nourishing in its own right. (Eating out, I never know what I’m really getting – another reason to eat at home).
1 Cup Whole Milk Yogurt (Organic if possible, or at least no HBST)
1 Cup Real Mayonnaise (Trader Joe’s is good, not the Organic one, cuz that has soy oil 🙁
1/4 tsp. Onion Powder
1/4 tsp. Garlic Powder
1/4 tsp. Lemon Pepper
1/4 tsp. Mrs. Dash (or double up on something else)
1/4 tsp. 21 Seasoning Salute (Trader Joe’s Herbal mix)
1/2 tsp. Sea Salt
3/4 tsp. Dill Weed
Mix together (I usually mix this up by hand).
Chill 20+ minutes before serving. Keeps 2-3 weeks
I often make a double batch, as it is great as a veggie dip or whatever.
I hope this encourages you! Blessings!!
Kathy, wonderful idea. I lose track of how many times in a week I take the easy way out. Last night, my husband and I stopped at Lucky and bought a roasted whole chicken, deli mashed potatoes, a big bag of ready made salad and a bunch of fruit. It was healthy, fast and there are left overs for tonight. Better than a fast food meal. Exercise is the tough part for me. We’re going to Hawaii in 6 weeks! My goal is to be thinner and tanner (from walking outside) by our departure date. Thanks for the challenge. By the way, I love! has some great recipes as well.
Thanks for the encouragement. We have 27 days till we leave on a week long trip to visit family we haven’t seen in 5 years. I have had two babies since then and need to get a kickstart on losing some weight and save some money for our trip. I had already printed a calendar to mark my progress last night. Knowing I’m not doing this along helps me a ton!
Thank you for you ministry to moms!
I’m so proud of you! For doing this, yes – but for putting it out there, admitting it all and being so real. Yay you!
I’ll tell you, I hate exercise probably 85% of the time. I have to be mindful of the benefits I’ve experienced and write them down. And the goals too. But the best part of it? When you’ve done it and it’s OVER for the day! whoo hoo! Putting on the workout clothes and driving to the gym (or park, or wherever) and (Nike said it well) Just Do It.
I know I mentioned Hungry Girl once already, but she does have some great recipes. They aren’t stuff that I’ve used to feed a large family, but there is definitely lunch or snack stuff you could use. She has a free email that has recipes.
Ooops, forgot to add the following. My signature salad for the summer will be salad greens, roasted asparagus, fresh strawberries (or dried cranberries) and pre-cooked bacon (the kind you “freshen” in the microwave) crumbles. Maybe sunflower seeds, but I don’t want to get too crazy. 🙂
Craig and I are going through the 13-wk. Dave Ramsey Financial Peace seminar. In fact we did our budget (ouch) this morning at a coffee shop…EEEK!* We are committing to a significant reduction in eating out and, yes, cooking at home more. We even have a neighbor giving us an old fridge we can store extra frozen meals in…. gosh I wonder if there is a book somewhere that would give me some ideas. 🙂
* We go on Mondays for the free refills and I too have converted from my double-shot latte (frothy heaven) to drip. Note “drip” was a word once used to describe a kind of low-energy nerd. LATTE on the other hand sounds delightfully festive as in “let’s PARTE”…. let’s LATTE!
Kathy,this is great. Keep good notes this month as you walk thru the process…I see a potential new book coming out of this. And BTW, that embarrassing sentence you wrote. I could’ve written the same. Thx for being transparent. I love “real.”
Kathi…hi ! Wonderful talk to us Princesses !
I think this challange would be another good TALK…tell of your struggles and how you overcome them…as I know you will 🙂
Ideas…: We do alot of stirfry which uses small pieces of chicken or beef…or some shrimp…with tons of veggies over rice ! Pretty healthy…and kinds like Chinese. You can do it over noodles, too. O veggie ka-bobs on the grill with beef or chicken on skewers. Then there are the really cool (both ways…weather and “groovy”) with ones like Chinese chicken…easy ! Or Caesar salad topped with grilled chicken breast.
Way to take control, Kathi! I love it. I’ve been working out pretty diligently for the last 5 months and eating healthier. Two things keep me going: my clothes are getting too big (yay), and I feel so much better physically & have more energy. As far as cooking over the summer, I went to the local Farmer’s Market Saturday and picked out some fresh fruits and veggies (little skinny asparagus–yum!). The gorgeous colors and textures on display make it more exciting somehow to shop for vegetables. Yay Kathi!
You will not believe this, but here it is 7am and I am dressed to get on the treadmill, but instead I am stalling and playing on the computer instead, telling myself that I really don’t want to work out today. It became my goal three weeks ago to exercise 3 times a week. Every week is a struggle, I just have to keep telling myself (and picturing me doing it) that I used to love working out and eating healthy and I am going to do it again. Gotta go, treadmill is calling. Good luck to you. You can do it. I’m right there with you.
My family is also trying to eat healthier. We read a book called “The China Study” that has revolutionized the way we plan our menus. I have used the website to find new recipes to try. Quinoa has become a new staple for us. You might look up the recipe Veggie Quinoa and try it. It’s what is for lunch today!
Thanks for the encouraging blog.
You might see if they have a “dinner my way” near you. Its not fast food, but healthy meals you put together once a week or so at their store and then freeze them in your freezer. It makes those “what am I going to make” moments easier because its made you just have to cook it. Here’s the website for the one in Stockton, CA
Also, if your concerned about the mocha/latte experience at Starbucks, they do let you order Ice Water – which will also help with the weight control.
Good Luck!
PS – My family will be doing this with you.