I am so excited, after coming back from Willow Creek’s Leadership conference to be offering Super Author Pam Farrel’s Book Woman of Confidence as today’s give away!
Pam is not only giving away her fab new book, she also has a trip give away on her website (see below!)
I will be giving away this book to someone who leaves a comment on today’s blog (the winner will be picked next Thursday.) Now, here is a little bit more about the book:
Woman of Confidence: Step into God’s Adventure for Your Life. Here is a little about the book:
- Discover typical confidence killers and how to over come them
- Move your life from ho-mum to highly meaningful
- Walk your adventure through step by step from idea to reality
- Create a positive adventure team to accomplish goals
- Conquer fears and frustrations to move to confident living as a natural lifestyle
- Expand your view of God and the potential of an exciting, filling life that is God empowered
- Build into your relationships with family and friends in a healthy way
- Overcome obstacles to confident living and find practical tools for dealing with a world where fear, uncertainty and unpredictable events are common place
- Create inner strength, determination, perseverance and tenacity needed to positively handle life in today’s fast paced, ever changing, and negative world
- Use the unique STEP plan to discover and step into God’s personal adventure for your life:
Speak the Adventure
How can you use God’s truth to move your life forward?
Team Up for the Adventure
Who are the key people you need in life as a successnet?
Energize the Adventure
What are the vital keys to actually live the adventure?
Push the Adventure
What do you do if you hit an obstacle or life is hard?
Everyone who orders Woman of Confidence will be entered in a drawing for a San Diego Adventure vacation to be given away at a book release party May 11 in San Diego. To order book, or to register for the May 11 event at the Handlery Hotel visit www/farrelcommunications.com/may11.
Confidence Tip: For Women of Confidence, I interviewed a host of very successful people and one common trait that they all had was the habit of standing on God’s Word. I have a few habits that help me find then stand on the truth. I listen to an audio version of the Bible on my iPod (often on the plane or as I go to sleep); I print favorite verses and they surround my mirror where I put on my make up each day; I review the traits of God before I get out of bed in the morning; when I exercise, I pray through God’s names A to Z to remind myself who my Helper is. I prayer walk and use verses with my name and those I love placed right in the verse to personalize Scripture. I play encouraging music (Scripture set to music) in my office and car. If you are feeling fearful, turn up the truth in your life and layer it into every hour of your day. Post it , pray it, proclaim it out loudly over your world. Click here for a sample of “Winning Words” of confidence to pray over your life or those you love.
This book looks like it would be so helpful! Thank you for the opportunity to win one. If I don’t win, I will definitely be ordering one.
Today is the first time that I have visited your blog. I am on Facebook and you and I friends, so I got the blog off of one of your post today. You recently came to Mineola, TX and spoke to our MOPS group. You were amazing! I am reading “The Husband Project” now ( on project week 2 ). As I read your book it’s like I can hear you telling me this advice yourself. I am sooooo glad you came to speak for our group. Your book has came to life for me! Thanks again! Sheila 🙂
Really sounds good!
Sounds like a good read!
Sounds like a useful tool for most women! I think it will be a great addition to suggested reading when I speak at a women’s event next month. I’d be happy to have some postcards on tables if you want send me some.
Thank you for the reminders, and ideas of ways of getting together with God, and the Word at various times during the day. Praying without ceasing fits right in!
This book is different than most “self help” books that count only on the person reading the book to do all the work. Teaming up with God, who we can do nothing without, is the way to gain confidence. When we understand in our hearts that God’s love for us in complete and total, that we are never alone in anything we do, than we can be confident in all areas of our lives!
I always love to see how you continue to grow, evolve, and lead women into a better place. You couldn’t do that without the incredible confidence you have and share with the world.
This sounds like a book I need! I struggle with confidence issues like many women. Also, it would make a great addition to the new library I am starting for our church! 😉
– Mandy 🙂
Fabulous giveaway! ( Love the relaunch of your blog, BTW… )
Hi Kathi,
I have read Pam’s other books and enjoyed them; I am sure this one is great too. Best. Kathryn
Great give-away! This is going to be fun! Keep up the good work on your blog. You go girl!
This sounds like a great read. Now, I just have to decide if I should by the book (for a chance to win the trip) b/c I may win a copy here. Oh well, it never hurts to have 2 copies- one for myself and one to give away!
Lana 🙂
Sounds like a great book. Thanks for the chance to win one!
Looks good! Thanks!
I really enjoyed reading your blog posts (today’s and other recent posts) I will definitely be checking in more often. Thanks for the recipes and the encouragement!
I would love to win this book!
I have the Husband Project that my sister and a good friend are doing at the moment. I’m really enjoying it.
Thank you.
This book sounds absolutely incredible! What woman doesnt sturggle with confidence and getting to the end of that “goal” at one time or another. Thank you Kathi for bringing this book to us.
That sounds like such a great book. I can’t wait to get my hands on it!
I’m forwarding her WINNING WORD’s sample to fellow women in the workforce to encourage them to stay strong and pray this for themselves.
The STEP program makes sense, can’t wait to read more!
Am surrounded by such really awesome women who want to grow spiritually. Two groups presently wrapping up a study and contemplating what to do next. This sounds like it might be worth a look! Yea.
This sounds like a great book. I could use a lot of comfidace right now. HUbby and I have been fighting a lot latley. I have even been trying the husband project book and dont know what else to do but pray that everything blows over. It was great seeing you in Sacramento in Feb. I cannot wait to see and hear you speak again.
Love anything Pam and am looking forward to this book as well. I’m so glad you had a great trip, Kathi.
What a wonderful idea!
Woman of Confidence sounds amazing & is right up my alley! I love the STEP plan and the confidence tip – definitely things I’d love to put into practice in my life!