My Husband is a HottieHey ladies – No we didn’t forget about you – however, I am in the final week of writing the book, so apparently posting (and showering) have become optional.

 We will be back on the wagon next week – but I have a favor to ask. I have received a couple of great testimonies of how The Husband Project has changed an aspect of women – they have been more intentional about dressing up for their guys. They have thought twice before saying something about their guy that has been less than supportive.

I would love to hear your stories – and fast!!! I want to get all of this into the book in the next day or two.

So, do you have an encouragement for other wives out there? Think of the public service you will be doing (and helping me up my word count!!!)

Send your stories to kathi@kathilipp.comIf I use them you will receive lots of love and a copy of the book!!