candyIt’s time to think about food, glorious food.

My husband loves a candy called Cherry Sours. They’re little red sugar balls that he’s in love with. To me, they taste like the stuff your dentist uses to rinse out your mouth after a painful cleaning.

So, I try to find Cherry Sours, whenever I can. They can be very hard to locate, so when I do, I stock up – without Roger knowing. Then, when he’s having a rough time at work, or I want to say congratulations for a job well done, I break out the Cherry Sours.

Is there a treat that you personally find revolting that your husband loves? Get it for him, letting him know through this small act, “This is all for you, baby!” (And if you truly don’t like the treat, he won’t feel obligated to share.

Prayer for Today
Dear God, I want my husband to know he is honored and cherished, even in the little things I do for him.

Getting Creative
Stumped for ideas? Here are some thoughts:

  • Get his favorite pint of Ben & Jerry’s and hide it behind the frozen chicken, part way down in the deep freeze. Even if you buy it on Tuesday you’ll have it ready and waiting for his special night later in the week.
  • Is there a certain cut of meat your husband loves? How about having the butcher cut something just for him?
  • Is there a certain candy your husband relishes from his childhood? Check out They have all the nostalgic candy you could ever want (Black Jack gum, anyone?) while also carrying any modern favorite you might be searching for.

Your Project:

Get a food treat for your husband that he’s not required to share with you or any other family member.

What’s your husband’s favorite treat, and how did he respond when he got it? Click here to leave a comment.