Remember when you were dating, how you couldn’t wait for his phone call? Just the sound of his voice made your heart beat a little faster.
Then real life happens. You have jobs, kids, rent or a mortgage, laundry to fold and lasagna to bake. It’s been a long time since your heart has risen above a waltz, much less a mambo.
Maybe it’s time to put some pitter-patter back into the relationship.
Send your husband a flirty e-mail or text message today. Let him know you cannot wait to see him tonight-that you are counting the hours. A little over the top? I bet he won’t think so.
If you’re going to go beyond flirty to slightly scandalous (which, by the way, I highly encourage) make sure it’s his private e-mail or cell phone. You don’t want Big Brother at his company knowing how little you’ll be wearing tonight.
Prayer for Today
Dear God, may my husband have the security to know he is the only man for me – that you have designed us to be together.
Getting Creative
- Use an e-card service ( or to send a cute and flirty note.
- Don’t know how to text? Ask any teenager in the general vicinity.
- Most phones have a camera feature where you can send a photo message. Be sure to keep it G-rated so he doesn’t get in trouble at work.
Your Project:
Send a flirty text or email to your husband.
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