appetizer trayBack to food.

One of our favorite getaway spots is a little bed and breakfast in the mountains. When you ask my husband why he likes it so much, you very well might hear about the cheese and cracker plate with fruit that is always waiting for us when we arrive.

It’s time to take a little of the B&B experience home.

Why not have a snack to share when he gets home? Some of his favorite nuts and chocolates up in your room, or some cheese and crackers out on the patio could be just the transition he needs after a long day.

Prayer for Today

Dear God, remind me to treat my husband with more care and honor than any guest who comes into our home.

Getting Creative

  • My husband loves a special kind of root beer that we cannot keep in the house. (With four teenagers it’s hard to keep them from eating anything within their line of sight.) If I want to make sure he can have a cold drink after work, I hide it under the veggies in the crisper – no chance of the kids looking there.
  • If your husband gets home before you do, plan ahead by hiding a treat in the fridge for him. Call during the day to let him know that it’s waiting for him.

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