Hey ladies –
I am in the final stretch of The Husband Project book and I need your help.
Today, I am looking for stories of:
1. a time you took your husband out to dinner or watched a movie together
2. any changes you have seen in your husband, yourself or in your household since doing the husband project
I am writing those chapters of the book right now and could really use some examples.
If I use your story (or stories), you will recieve a copy of the book when it is published.
Thanks ladies – I know you have some great stories to share!
Hi Kathy,
Sorry for the late response. My husband and I rarely take date nights. We have 3 children under the age of six and live in an area far away from family that might be able to watch our children for free. Excuses, excuses. To top it off, we have just purchased our first home, and money is very tight. Last summer as a thank you for his hard work, my husband received complimentary tickets to a Giants game from his employer. We live 2 hours from SF, so we knew we would have to have the kids off to Grandma’s for a weekend. Several friends suggested that we stay the weekend in a hotel in SF, but the funds just weren’t there. Instead, we went to the game with the plans to drive home! God had different plans for us. The game ended early, as we were driving through Livermore at 8:30, I looked at my husband and said “wanna go to the movies?” We found a theater, and purchased tickets. Yet again, God planned a nice dinner out for us as well. The movie didn’t start for another hour, and there was a wonderful Sushi restaurant open next door. We sat at the Sushi Bar and reconnected in a playful way that we had been unable to do for quite some time. After a great dinner and a hilarious movie, we drove home to an empty house. We woke the next morning about an hour after the kids normally would have woken us up, we had a quiet peaceful breakfast while actually reading the paper, watched the NEWS (the kids loathe when we do that) and then ate a late lunch! While we didn’t have a weekend at a luxurious hotel, I really think it was even better. We didn’t have to rush out of our room, we weren’t compelled to go see the sights. We stayed home, enjoyed each others company and just reveled in the quiet intimacy that time alone provides.
I wish I could say that we have date nights every week, but that would be a huge lie. When we can we do, but I fully endorse staying home with your husband while your children are off enjoying their time with grandma or grandpa! I am so thankful we didn’t have the money for the hotel!!! 🙂
My husband and I instituted a monthly date night about a year ago and have been able to stick to it very well. Living in Tracy, there isn’t a whole lot of choice as to what we will do for our date nights so we normally go to dinner and a movie. About 4 months ago we had been having a day full of disagreement and he was taking his sweet time getting out to the car to leave. By this time I was thinking I didn’t even want to go on a date with him and maybe I should just go take the babysitter home! It was a very quiet drive to dinner. Once we were seated across from each other at the restaurant, we didn’t have much choice but to talk. We each apologized and took a little time to talk calmly about the disagreements of the day, from there the rest of the evening was quite enjoyable. This experience has convinced us both how important it is to have a regularly scheduled date night, which you stick to no matter what has been going on throughout the day. It truly couldn’t have come at a better time! 🙂
My first date with my husband was dinner and a movie. We went to see Men in Black which is sweet because my husband didn’t like SciFi at all but just wanted to be with me. I loved the movie and still consider it a favorite expecially now.
More recently we celbrated our 10th anniversary, which is also my husbands birthday. We were expecting our 3rd baby between us our 6th in our marriage and it was our last date night for awhile. Not to mention we knew money was going to be tight. My hubby is a bit spoiled and usually gets what he wants when he wants it. It’ that old saying, “What do you buy for the person who has everything”. I took an idea from a friend and wrote out a list of all the reasons why I loved him. His love languange is words of affirmation so I thought it would go well. I asked him if he was ready for his present and he lit up like a little kid! I told him I wasn’t going to get him anything and the bank reflected that. I had butterflies when he was reading the letter. We were at dinner. I also teared up, being pregnaut, the waiter came over and gave us a funny look. I told him all was well and waited for Robert’s reaction. He asked if I really thought all those things. The list was one ful page. I said I did and he said it was the best present he had ever received.
Last story! When I was about 3 months pregnaunt with our first baby together, Robert and I went on a double date with a friend and his new wife. We arrived at their house, as normal then decided to ride together to dinner and the movie. I had never met this couple before, Robert just worked with the husband. They were newlyweds and she had just got a call saying her wedding photos were available to be looked at. She decided to pick up the small album to go over at dinner. So, we go to dinner and are completly ignored by the couple pouring over their wedding photos. Dinner was finally over and off to a movie, their pick. It was House on Haunted Hill. I hadn’t even seen previews so I didn’t know what to expect. Half way through the movie Robert and I were so freaked out we were ready to leave. We carpooled so we were stuck. Dinner was in the past, the scariest movie we had seen, in the past. All that was left was to ride home. We lived in Roseville and they lived in Folsom. Robert and I were new to the area and this was the night Robert decided to take the freeway all the way home. So as we passed our 1st exit for the short way, he got a dirty look, the 2nd and last exit for the short way home I started to get itchy I was so irritated. I had tights on under a jean dress and couldn’t wait to get home. This was horrible. So, as we took the absolute longest way home on the freeway I was fumming! Finally, home ready for bed, it’s like 1 am by now. I get those %$#@ tights off and itch and itch and itch. Robert tells me to wait a minute and looks at me and I have broken out it to 2 inch welt size hives! The dinner from you know where and the scary movie and the unneccesary long way home broke me out in hives. I go to the emergency room and the first thing the doctor asks is “Are you pregnaunt” I say yes and his face says “greeaat”. They get me started on an IV drip of benidrill and I start to twich. I am so tired and my arm or my foot would jerk uncontollably as I just drift off. All we could do was laugh.