We are working like fiends round these parts to get all of the Husband Project up and running for you by the 10th.

Then things don’t go according to plan.

After creeping along the wet and wild freeways of San Jose after speaking at a MOPS group (hi Westgate Ladies!) this morning, I was so grateful to find a parking spot on our side of the street. Granted, there was a little sick feeling in the pit of my stomach saying “Don’t Park Here! This is where the tree limbs sometimes fall.” So, I figured I would park there for just a few minutes. I went upstairs to work, and then heard a CRACK sound. Here is what roger and I saw…

car vs tree

Yep – that is my poor little van buried under all that tree. Sigh.

So now we deal with insurance companies, car rental agencies, and headaches.

The upside is that one of us could have easily been in the van (and had been just 20 minutes before.) So I have been tallying my blessings all day.

All this as a reminder that plans are just that – plans. You are going to run into obstacles when it comes to blessing your husband (or in my case, the obstacle ran into me…) Time to shoot up a prayer, re-plan your plan, and move on.

Your husband is out of town? Do a project that blesses him while he is away, (a flirty text message, throwing out your ugly slippers, etc.)

You and he are in a huge fight and you never want to talk to him again, (because that is the way to make him suffer.) Bless him anyway. You need it more than he does.

The Man You Always Wanted

Thursday’s Winner was Becky R from San Jose, CA

Stay dry and more tomorrow.