Proj 6 imagePhysical touch is vital to relaxation. I have some friends whose husbands enjoy back massages. Some are more into sheet thread-counts.Find something that will help your husband relax. New pillows, massage lotions…your choice. Make it something that both of you will enjoy.

And yes, I do know what massage leads to. Just combine this with one of the Bonus Projects.

Prayer for Today
Dear God, please let me learn to enjoy my husband in every aspect of our marriage.

Getting Creative

  • I’m way more inspired to do this project when I’ve just purchased a new lotion or massage oil. Run to the mall and buy a jar of “inspiration.”
  • Get some luxurious new sheets – whether you are into silk or flannel, buy the best quality you can afford. Transform your bed into a cocoon where you can both snuggle down and barely resist staying there all day.
  • People let their pillows go way too long without being changed. Take a look at yours – do they say luxury or limp, lumpy and lifeless? May be time to lay your head on something new.

Your Project:
Help your husband relax by either giving him a massage or providing some other form of physical comfort.