Physical touch is vital to relaxation. I have some friends whose husbands enjoy back massages. Some are more into sheet thread-counts.Find something that will help your husband relax. New pillows, massage lotions…your choice. Make it something that both of you will enjoy.
And yes, I do know what massage leads to. Just combine this with one of the Bonus Projects.
Prayer for Today
Dear God, please let me learn to enjoy my husband in every aspect of our marriage.
Getting Creative
- I’m way more inspired to do this project when I’ve just purchased a new lotion or massage oil. Run to the mall and buy a jar of “inspiration.”
- Get some luxurious new sheets – whether you are into silk or flannel, buy the best quality you can afford. Transform your bed into a cocoon where you can both snuggle down and barely resist staying there all day.
- People let their pillows go way too long without being changed. Take a look at yours – do they say luxury or limp, lumpy and lifeless? May be time to lay your head on something new.
Your Project:
Help your husband relax by either giving him a massage or providing some other form of physical comfort.
Personally, I don’t get this. My husband doesn’t do anything to look good for ME either! So, what’s the point?
We have silk sheets — our second set purchased from for less than $100. Love them! Yes, the pillows could definitely use a wash and a punch at the very least. My husband loves massages and I have not been very generous with giving them so thanks for encouraging me to do this!
We’ve been sleeping on mis-matched sheets for the past 6, getting new sheets was not only what we needed but, just in time for this project. Let me tell you how nice it was for the both of us to slip into Egyptian Cotton bedsheets~
Yeah, it was NIIIIIIIICE~ You can get my point. Ok. This one worked for the both of us. 🙂
When we were dating I used to give my husband foot massages regularly. He kept saying “When we get married this will all stop.” Not right after we were married but about a year down the road he was right they became few and far between. Guess it is time to give him a nice long foot massage! I think I will add that into my weekly schedule.
One of my hubby’s love languages is physical touch. I imagine he will really appreciate this project. The budget won’t allow for new sheets or pillow splurge at the moment so it looks like a massage is in order!
If there’s one thing that’ll bring my husband to his knees, accompanied by a long drawn out “ahhhhhh,” it’s a hand massage. (Not what you were expecting, was it?) My husband tells me I have exceptionally strong hands, and he loves it when I get some nice thick cream (Shea Butter is wonderful this time of year) and rub it all over his hands and forearms. He’s also a nail and cuticle biter, so I take extra care to try and smooth out the rough spots on his fingers. He’s in heaven within about three seconds of me starting, and by the time I’m done he’s virtually putty. (And, if you’re wondering, this massage rarely leads to something else, because by the time I’m done he’s already half asleep.)
He came home and asked for some cuddle time. So I put aside my night time chores(not so hard to do) and we just cuddled and listened to music. I was nice to have that quiet time together.
I am going to give him a massage. That is perfect for my hubby. He is always asking me to, but I am usually too tired.
Good luck this week ladies. Remember all we can do is our best! Life does get crazy but I applaud all of us for doing this!
my husband has a lot of problems with his sinuses. So as we where relaxing, I had him rest his head in my lap and rubbed his head for him.
As I said 2 days before there was no way to dissuade him from doing his work that he wanted to do. I said also that day that he noticed a difference in me in just 4 days, which says to me that I have been neglectful of our relationship. After examining way this was the case I realized that I have been mad at him for a little while. He does a lot of things for me, and I know that he loves me very much. The thing is, is that he goes what He thinks I want or need. Even when I tell him what it is I want or need, it gets ignored and he does what he thinks is best. So I have been punishing him for his inability to see what it is I need, or even hear what I am saying to him. I have to remember that He is doing the best that he can, I shopuld not be doing things for someone else expecting him to do for me in return. I should be doing things for him because that is the right thng to do with no expectations of anything in return. My husband can not understand what it is I need, hopefully he can some day but at this time in his life he can not and I need to accept that and not punish him for it.
You see my husband had a brain injury 10 years ago. We have been dealing with the repercussions since then. He is doing the best that he can. Ther are times though that it seems he uses it to get away with things too. I guess that is what makes me angry is not knowing if he is really not capable, or he just chooses not to. LJ