As cliché as it may sound, our husbands want to be our heroes.More than they want to know we love them, they want to know we respect them. They need to know they’re never the butt of our jokes; that, instead, they’re the go-to-guy in every story we tell.
Step One: Make an opportunity today to brag on your husband to someone else. Doesn’t matter if it’s one of your friends or one of his. Let that somebody know how lucky you are to be married to the guy that you have.
Step Two: Let your husband know you bragged on him. He needs to know that he’s the good guy in every story you tell.
Prayer for Today
Dear God, let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in your sight.
Getting Creative
Who are the important people in your husband’s life? Your kids, his parents, his friends? Be intentional about whom you chat with when you brag on him – it’s almost as important as actually doing it.
Having a hard time coming up with something? I still brag on my guy for things he did years ago. He loves when I tell the story of how brilliantly he proposed (there were waterfalls and stuffed portabella mushrooms involved…).
Your Project:
Say something nice about your husband to someone else. Make sure you share with him what you said, and to whom.
This last Valentine’s day my husband, Guy, did wonderful things for our children and for me. I had the opportunity to brag about these things to my sister on my cellphone with my husband right there! 🙂
If you are wondering what he did, he made up a treasure hunt for each of our 3 children. They each had 3 clues before they got their prize and he made each of the clues rhyme! 🙂 The kids absolutely LOVED it and I was very impressed as well.
For myself, I have mother/daughter date with my eldest daughter every Thursday night and we didn’t get home until about 9:30pm. He had a bunch of candles lit in our bedroom, wonderful coupons for me to use for time away from the kids, not to make dinner, and more. There was also champagne, Barry White playing on the CD and chocolates! The BEST Valentine’s day ever! 🙂
I, too, try not to disparage my husband in front of other people (or to him for that matter) but I think I had gotten lazy about talking him up! He is a fabulous man and this week I made a point to let people know. My sweet hubby was a little embarrassed but he beamed when I told him about it! It feels great to focus on his strong points – it reminds me why I love him even more now than when I married him!
While I was talking to my girlfriend, my husband was in the other room but I knew he could hear my side of the conversation. So I made sure to tell her how nice it was that my husband had just fixed me a little appetizer because dinner was going to be a little later that night. I could tell that he was pleased that I had told her that.
I like this project. I made a decision long ago (before I was even married oddly enough) to try to not to say negative things about my husband to other people. I have heard lots of wives complain about their husbands and I realized that it not only makes the person talking feel bad (continuing to think about the negative), but it also makes the listener feel bad (caught in between and NEVER knowing the right thing to say).
I admit it is not easy and I do have moments when all I want to do is vent, but I really try hard to stick to the “if you don’t have something nice to say…” rule.
okay, so I kinda cheated on this one. We were talking about this project at MOPS so I said to the ladies at my table “just so ya know, my husband is awesome!” So it was a little contrived, but I totally meant it. I’ll keep working at this “assignment” though. I want to make a habit of saying nice things about my husband in a more natural way 🙂
The bragging was easy for me!!! It just so happen that I had my 2 year olds b-day party that day…Boy ol boy did everyone there get an earful of what a big help my husband was for, helping my with the party…
This was an easy one. I was bragging on how great my husband seems to manage work/ministry, seminary and the family. I also shared that one of the reasons he does this so well is because he is so darn organized & discipline (the opposite of me).
When I shared with him what I said…he had a great big smile on his face! Loved it!
I didn’t have an opportunity to verbally brag about my guy but I did owe my M-I-L a thank you note so I added another paragraph about how great her son is and how grateful I am to be married to him. I will continue to look for a chance to talk my hubby up this week 🙂
This one was an easy one for me. My husband can cook! I know, I know -don’t hate me. BBQ’ing, grilling, sauce making, wings, etc are things I don’t dare try to cook in my house because my husband is that good on the grill. It would just be a waste of food if I tried any of his recipes. To make the bragging more special I did it with my kids present. I made sure they heard me when I was telling some of my friends about how great the food is at our house on Thanksgiving. I went on and on about the deep fried turkey he does. The kids started to add their positive comments as about his sweet potato pie as well. A few days later my husband had the pleasure of overhearing our 5 year old repeat ‘the story’ to one of his friends. My son was telling his friend about how good of a ‘cookerman’ his dad is. The timing was great as my husband had just arrived home from work, commuting & tired, to have his youngest put a smile on his face.
I skipped ahead because of our schedual. It is odd making a point to brag about my husband to others. I feel like how do you make that part of a conversation. For the most part I tell him thank you and my appreciation in the moments that I feel them. So this was hard for me! So wouldnt you know it. When I wasnt even trying it all came together. Thanks GOD! I was on the phone telling my mom how impressed I was that my husband can get the kid’s feed, dressed and even early to church on the day’s I sing. And their happy too! Well that’s when he walked in the room just as I was saying it. BIG Smile from him, I even got a kiss!
Today the kids and grandkids came over for dinner. While I was out of town recently my husband surprised me by redoing the bathroom for me. In front of my husband I told the kids what he did and asked them to come take a look at the work he had done. He did not make a comment or anything. The bathroom does look nice, I knew he was up to something while I was gone, secretly I was hoping for him to finish some of the projects that he has already started and not to start a new one. There is a couple of things I have been requesting to get done for a year now. I was and am trying not to be resentful for those things I would like done and they are ignored. So I did not say anything negative about it, either when I got home or now. I followed it by bragging about the work he did do. LJ
And today, for day 3, I bragged about my husband to my mom and my coworker Monica. I also plan to brag on him to his face….we’ll do that at dinner. 🙂
I also did the bragging thing, but it felt weird to tell him that I bragged about him to someone else and them tell him what I said. But he seemed to enjoy it. I don’t think he knew what to say. He just smiled. I think it meant alot to him and was one of those things they tuck away in there compartments and save for later.: )