Your life is so busy. It’s hard to find a moment for yourself each day. There are days when I could go for hours, so involved in my own projects that I can totally forget to think about, or pray for, my husband.
What can you put in place to remind you to think about your husband throughout the day? Be creative. Maybe it’s a picture of him on your dashboard, or spraying his cologne on a scarf and keeping it in your purse. Whatever it is that reminds you of him, keep it around so you can call him later that day and say, “You have been on my mind all day.” Trust me, it will make his day.
Prayer for Today
Dear God, help me with any attitude of entitlement I have about our workload being equal. Help me to have an attitude of service instead of bitterness in every situation.
Getting Creative
Set an alarm on your cell phone for every couple of hours today. Let this be a reminder to stop and pray for your husband throughout the day.
Do you have a picture of your husband on your cell phone? Make sure you do so that when he calls, his cute face will show up. (Ask a techie teenager to show you how to program this on your cell.)
Your Project:
Set up reminders during your day to think and pray for your husband. Let him know sometime during the day that he has been on your mind.
oooh, I want a picture phone just for that idea! (when hubby calls, his photo appears). Actually, the best way for my husband to know I’ve been thinking about him during the day is to have his iced tea brewed and ready when he comes home. Another phone call interrupting his day does not communicate love for him. I just have to leave a sticky note reminder for myself to remember to do it *grin*
I always check in with my husband because he leaves for work at 4 am. So I usually call him and say good afternoon around 7am. Then I go into talk about questions for the day ect. Well today I called him and sang to him over the phone our song. He laughed and thought it was really cute. He said thanks for the laugh.
I decided to send ecards to let him know I’m thinking of him. I signed up for a 30 day trial to Yahoo Greetings. I found a couple of laugh-out-loud funny ones that appealed to me. I plan on sending him a different ecard each day for the next week, starting today. If he likes it, I will keep the subscription. He’s worth the $13.99 annual fee!
My husband had the day off today. My car broke down and was in the shop so we went early to pick it up. Since we will probably be together for most of the day and unfortunate I am still feeling irritable like I did yesterday I was trying to figure out something I could do that would help both of us. Anyway, on the way home from the shop, I took a detour into a starbucks coffee shop. He loves white chocolate mochas and I was sure he hadn’t had one in awhile. While I was waiting for the coffees I called him and said” I am no longer in front of you, I stopped in a starbucks to get us coffees (I normally do not do that since I drink one cup of coffee in the morning but he drinks coffee all day). He said “really, can you get me awhile chocolate mocha I haven’t had one in awhile and have been thinking of getting one” I told him I already did and I will be home very soon with it. I wish my mood would get better. He responds to my moods and we do not get along very well when I am like this. Distant and quiet to each other. I know that if I improve my attitude, it will improve his. LJ