Be intentional about noticing the great stuff he does. If he does a great job cooking the pasta, or playing with the kids, big or small, it doesn’t matter.
It’s time to really seek out all the things he excels at. Keep the list to yourself or let him in on how wonderful he really is.
Just once today, let him know something you love about him.
Prayer for Today
Dear God, my husband has so many great qualities I can overlook. Let me see him with new eyes today.
Getting Creative
Keep a 3×5 card in your pocket today. Every time some great quality about your guy comes to mind, make a note of it.
If you’re having a hard time coming up with items for your list, ask around. Ask your friends, your mom, your kids – anyone who is a fan of your man can help point out all the good stuff.
I was just telling my man the other day, I have noticed an improvement in an area that needed work. He smiled at me, I think he was glad i noticed.
When I read this one this morning, I thought “this will be easy…I love so many things about my husband, it will be an easy one to check off my list.” Little did I know that when he returned from work, we would have a discussion that turned into some pretty harsh revelation about something I need to work on in our marriage. OUCH. For a while, I went in the kitchen alone to make dinner and have a little pity party…and then I remembered my assignment. With a heavy heart, I approached him and put my arms around him, and thanked him for the gift he is to my life, and the qualities I admire and respect in him that strengthen our marriage. I wouldn’t have imagined how much I’d have to swallow my own pride yesterday to give him this blessing, but I’m so glad I did. Our evening ended with forgiveness and snuggling…and a renewed thankfulness in my heart for my husband!
My husband is so good at doing this for me so it was a real treat to do this for him! I made a long list and presented it to him at dinner. I sat on his lap and read it out loud to him and it made him smile. I think this project is very timely because it’s been hard at his work lately.
This is precious – I loved this day’s project!!
A wise pastor shared that my children should know the 5 reasons why I married my husband. Not just know the reasons but memorized them, could recite them back, etched into their little hearts, inside-outside, front and back, committed to long term memory know them.
Our story is a bit complicated (who doesn’t have some drama in their history?) but I have been very intentional about sharing what I love about their dad and why we’re together. I’m not sure if they could recite the 5 reasons yet but we’re getting close.
Another great project! I even added a 6th that might stay on the list.
So hard to do right now. Husband has got the Christmas time money blues. Which I then get caught up in as well. I sent him an e-mail to let him know just how much a apreciate his hard work at providing the money. He works hard so I can stay home with the kids.
I am going to make his lunch and put a note in it that lets him know something I love about him.
This was a Challenge to me today. I was not in the best of moods and feeling very irritable. Because of this project, I tried to put those feelings aside and try to focus on the things he does do. When he got himself a snack in the afternoon, I said that looks good I think I will have some too. Since the dog was lying with her head in my lap, he said he would get it for me. He does things like that all the time and I do not acknowledge that he does these little things. Therefore, when he came back into the room I not only thanked him but I went a step further and said “Thank-you so much for that, you are always doing such sweet nice things for me.” His response was Precious he started to smile but tried to restrain it and say “your welcome” he said other words but I can not remember them 🙁 basically he was down playing what he did, but was secretly thrilled for the praise. I need to work on praising him more for the things he does do, and thank-you Kathi for this project in helping us see ourselves more clearly. It also made me not run of with my irritations instead focus on him.